unity conversion reporting

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by AVIT, Jan 9, 2025.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    to forum mods why is there not a feedback or some dedicated place where people can post issues ?
    IF we cant report them anywhere how are you gonna fix them ?
  2. On Unity there is no link to these forums anywhere. So I guess they're expecting everyone to use Discord in the future.
  3. Well... discord or unity d.o. --- seems to be complimenting each other. Get the old Dark Orbit back. It seems they need to go back and give the developers another 3-4 years to get the UNITY version at least to a real BETA phase.
  4. This is a corporate move to distance themselves from blame. Once they switch to a 3rd party communications platform rather than an in-house platform, they can use a plethora of excuses as to why they didn't answer or see your concerns. Clever. It's what I would do.
  5. Dragonxs

    Dragonxs User

    I just down loaded new unity but cannot seem to find hanger to load items on ship?
  6. There are enough sections in the forum where we can describe our problems or praise something in the game. Another question is who and when will take action or at least answer your question!
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  7. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    i would like to just get the download to work, had to get a new computer now i can't even get into the old server. will someone please post the steps to opening the unity server. it down loads then after extracting. thats about as far as the program goes. no info on what to do next. you would think it would just open up, not happening.
  8. jazon161

    jazon161 User

    why unity has virus
  9. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    i can't find the old download for the old servers. the only download being offered is the untiy from what i can find.
  10. tibstar

    tibstar User

    After loading Unity i dont have a start panel on the home page, can not go any further.
  11. if i remember rightly click on dark orbit icon in the extracted files when its extracted. then it works, i dragged mine to desktop and use it from there
    tibstar likes this.
  12. AVIT

    AVIT User

    is better to save the launcher to where ever as that will install the latest updates

    yh my anti virus reported that too as its a .exe file ,i just ignored it and allowed it

    better question is tho why didnt they make a simpler download for the players with out the need to extract zip files in the first place .

    contact list is still not working as reported it has been fixed!!
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 26, 2025
    tibstar and -PRICEYSID- like this.
  13. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    after loading unity player i can't get past the log in screen. it worked once then took a bump. wish they would let us on the old server till they worked out all the bugs. hope the repair team isn't the same. seemed like that group was on top off the coffee and snack tray as appose to fixxing stuff.
  14. AVIT

    AVIT User

    you can still go on the old server m8 ..

    ganemede clan functions work ,so does clan contacts on unity ....but ON unity pvp server great britain no clan functions work ,and on the flash version clan contacts do not show as online ... i wonder if this because the clan functions are not working on great britain unity version . NOT SURE how they expect us to use unity when clan functions are not working !! and now the original flash client as we dont know who is online in the clan
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 26, 2025