Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by AVIT, Jan 7, 2025.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Could you guys please make it so your patch releases are updated automatically within the already downloaded client ! . common sense is to make that work before anything else .
  2. Kyro

    Kyro User

    "DarkorbitLauncher.exe" does that(find it in same place as DarkOrbit.exe currently using to start game), so if just start the game via that every time it will download any new updates when are any. (so also avoid potential issues due to old version)

    Though there have been times for me before it just gets stuck when checking for updates(so need try close and open again), but they've maybe improved that.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2025
  3. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Launcher bars do not even move when i launch that ... on the application they do but they do not install the latests updates
  4. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    still can't get into this server. no matter how many times i download it. i can never get it to open even after extracing all the files thats as far as i get. nothing after this point. so whats the trick? you need a programing degree to install it or what? you would think it work like everyother program or is thing as broken as the game?
  5. AVIT

    AVIT User

    yh is a daft way rto install a game i agree .. but after extracting you open the folder and double click on application file that should work ...
    but to be honest its so broke at the moment ,i would just keep on using the flash one . is worhwhile though for you just to have a look at it . as could be very good when it works in the future
    IANIS19 likes this.
  6. hiya all, alot of people in Clans on my server had this issue, i did too. turns out, you need to update you .NET
    runtime-6.0.36 is the new one that i had to download, or the game wouldnt update, or start due to it not being upto date
    and make sure u dont use DarkOrbit application.
    USE DarkOrbitLauncher Application.

    i hope this helps you all
  7. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    till they figure it out. so i don't have to take class to install it. i guess i'll never have a need to use the unity server and might move on to another game when the change comes. lets face it this game has been broke for years and now were going to move to one they can't even make as easy as the first game was to install, and from what i'm told it's broken right from square one. Big Point/ Darkorbit hasn't fixed anything in years, what make us think things are going to changed?
  8. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Thanks i will the .net for getting the updates ...the darkorbit launcher application does not launch anything for me tho lol .
    Prime_Banana likes this.
  9. your not useing the Open Beta unity launcher are you?
  10. AVIT

    AVIT User

  11. Why is this so difficult .. download and extracted files but thats as far as i can work out lol
  12. mine works, but kami dont work, and the chat dont scroll down, the fonts are absolutly eye hurters too, not fo rme
  13. AVIT

    AVIT User

    CONTACT LIST is still broken ,it is not showing people on it when there sat right next to you . clan members dont always show and other contacts ... i constantly loose connection also . they said chat scrolling has been fixed ..well it hasnt on mine when i could actually last more than a minute there without loosing connection

    this has now been fixed for me
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 14, 2025 at 2:32 AM