Unity portion of game not completing the loading

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by ]Coldheart[, Oct 30, 2024.

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  1. The old version of DarkOrbit loaded up fine and I could complete quests.
    However, the Unity version allowed the game to only load as far as showing the START up screen and when the hangar ship showed up; clicking on it started to give the game screen, but immediately disconnected. The text box gave a choice of re-connect or logout. Successive attempts to reconnect always gave the same pop-up box claiming it disconnected.

    Could not get the Unity version to completely load. Only get a choice of 4 ships from hangar; which disconnects.
  2. test020

    test020 User

    i am playing on 1.0.5 and aside from the same old bugs, haven't had this issue where you disconnect and cannot relog when in base since beta.
    download the new client because of darkorbit launcher which allows you to update teh game without having to redownload the whole thing.
  3. I will keep looking for a way to download whatever new version is there, but I would rather DarkOrbit would put the upgrade option in the 1.0.2 version instead of the hodge podge way of requiring multiple downloads of mostly the same data.

    Did the new download, 1.0.6.
    Now it just does not recognize there is a UNITY version, keeps the same colourized text that states my current version does not recognize Unity and to do (yet) another download. Oh, it did not say I cannot relog; it happily did that, continually logging in and immediate disconnect. Now, with the latest version it just does like UNITY.


    Finally, the 1.0.6 version downloaded/unpacked/and ran successfully.

    I am not sure where or what the issue had been,, but it seems cleared up.

    Please close this thread as it appears the problem has been addressed or otherwise cleared.

    Last edited: Nov 2, 2024