Unity server

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by OhNoItsLegend, Oct 16, 2024 at 8:25 PM.

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  1. so... the unity server is out. what does that mean? is it just a new server with seemingly better graphics and a different UI, or is there any other meaningful changes? should I stop playing my other server and build up a ship here? is it worth it?
  2. on top of that, instead of making all the severs currently existing on unity, they want all of us to migrate to 1 server and start all over ? yall gotta be kidding, imma just quit.
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    that will be the end of the game, i myself will stop playing at that point in time. Starting over is a no starter for me. i should add that all who agee with this statement, should post something telling them most are the same page.
    .-señor_dark11-. and Azarameus like this.
  4. the game is dead, but i thought this whole unity stuff was 'important' because every time i logged on to the game people were talking about unity and how it can fix the game if it is introduced. Well, that new server came out yesterday (found out its a pve server a bit late), and nobody seems to care. I would have thought there would be multiple threads about it on here and yet I'm the only post.
  5. Yep. Seems like junk to me. Try downloading and starting it up.... It still insists that I have not downloaded it, even after 2 successful tries.
  6. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

    So after all these years waiting for a better client than the obsolete flash one we are supposed to start afresh with a new account on unity?
    No thanks. Either transfer the accounts I've been playing to that client or it's goodbye from me.
  7. yeah i dont foresee anyone wanting to start over on a pve server , yall tripping, it shows that yall don't ever listen to the players. no wonder everyone cheats. even when we wait for 10 years you still screw us over. byebye bigpoint, forever this time.
  8. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Seems it's just a new PvE server, that for now is the only server on Unity...

    It would be rediculous if it wasn't just that, since ye I also have no interest in starting all over again either/nor a PvE server. But at moment I'd bet they just had oversight in making that clear, which should of instead of letting people come to own conclusions.

    Though guess they could try seeing how it goes, if it wasn't just this. >.>