
Discussion in 'General Issues' started by c.h.a.n.g.e.l.a, Jan 8, 2025.

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  1. I don't understand. Will the current client and the new Unity client continue to work in parallel together or will only Unity remain after a while?
    The current one will no longer be available and the game will be played entirely on Unity only
    Will profiles and achievements remain on Unity?
    I installed Unity and tried to play but it is very unfinished, it is difficult to play due to lag!EG7
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  2. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    they need to explain this move a little more, questions to be asked. Is our accounts being transferred to the unity server with everything we have paid for over all the years? or is it a complete start over and you'll lose years of progress and equipment that took years to get? this is a need to know and should be told right out front. then we have to ask, is this new server going run like this old game and when things break they don't get fixed?
    c.h.a.n.g.e.l.a likes this.
  3. my ge5 account is over on unity so yes :)
  4. Okay, now we can play on both clients by copying the profile with the achievement, why do they have to reset all profiles? I can't believe it. Has anyone asked them and has any information?

    Do you mean that you no longer have an account in GE5 and everything you've played so far has been transferred to Unity or you're starting over in Unity...
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 9, 2025
  5. AVIT

    AVIT User

    its very simple ,everthing you have on your account is on both unity and the flash version which we have been playing on for yrs ,you will not loose anything when you play on the unity server .
    UNITY is very unfinished though and hardly works so i would just keep playing on the same platform flash for now untill they make the unity platform playable .
    c.h.a.n.g.e.l.a likes this.
  6. This is what I wanted to understand, thank you very much. I also tried to play the Unity client but there are many unfinished things and I will continue to play on Flash player.
  7. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    so they open an unfinished program and started running it before it was finshed? that doesn't seem like a smart move, i know i wouldn't let someone throw a party on a deck i haven't finshed, that is just asking for nothing but trouble.
    AVIT likes this.
  8. Currently; Friday. January 10, 2025; the UNITY client will only show one server for a player to access.
    The chance to click on the server name shown and get a server selection box seems to have been removed for some reason.
    Access to the forums is only available if you can log in via the old (non-UNITY) method.
    So, for now, access to the UNITY PVE server, for me, has been removed. The initial log-in allows me to access my main account only, no switching to another can be done.
    I could log into my main via the old server access.
    There again, that also seems to be the limit. No other server choice can be performed.

    I would like to know what this move to UNITY is really supposed to be for.
    Is it a way to restrict server access to a single server?
    What is really going on with this game? (does anybody within the DarkOrbit employment circle really know??)

    Will there be a detailed access plan dispersed to the player base, that is easy to follow?
  9. Also interesting questions from ]Coldheart[ which we are guessing at. The information initially given to us has been missing for a long time. I'm sure that in time they will explain everything to us in full, we will just play for now in the hope that everything will be fine.
  10. AVIT

    AVIT User

    you can still get forum access from the first screen where you log in (but as the backpage isnt on unity it is not there) ,

    you should be able to add other credentials as we did on the old flash version . i can anyway . as for swapping actuall servers i am unsure about i only play on one server so not tried that .
    c.h.a.n.g.e.l.a likes this.
  11. Also, I have tried the Test Server 2 option which can show up.
    The backpage does allow a login, but after the calendar item is claimed, the client screen is continually does not complete connection and goes (for as long as the player can take it) into a cycle of showing the client disconnected and gives the option to re-connect or logout.
    Once into that Test Server, there is no other server that gets presented. So one needs to quit the server and retry from scratch again. May need to restart the PC as well.
    This does mean I was able to get the UNITY server selection working again.
    c.h.a.n.g.e.l.a likes this.