UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. anything new comeing its been a while for this post?
  2. Game is dead, its overrun by rampant cheating, they're doing nothing but pumping out crap to milk whats left of the income.
  3. Pootis-Man

    Pootis-Man User

  4. Hitac again really?
    Excessive and -TACKO-[H.E] like this.
  5. Well... if not HITAC, then another 'not-so-cleverly' disguised package of bugs that have a small percentage of being fixed. ;)
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  6. i dont think its hitac
  7. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    i hope your right, because the Hitac event is one dumb event. I look at as a 100% waste of time. Also one of the worst atemps at an event.
  8. Excessive

    Excessive User

    Well it isn't Hitac, in fact this event makes Hitac look good.
  9. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    I have to agree 100%, and will add this one is the best ammo eater they have ever put out. They don't give you anything to buy more or a ammo drops from one of the NPC's. lol
  10. Didnt you saw you can craft RSB ? Devs being generous

  11. Generous? It's 1 round.
    -=MarcVenture=- likes this.
  12. Pootis-Man

    Pootis-Man User


    According to this brand new test server 2 update, the much-awaited Unity client open beta should release in July.
    I can't believe that after all those years they actually were working on it :eek:

    Credits go to Tawaret.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024
  13. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    ain't no wayyyy

    Hopefully it'll just work. Anything ought to be better than the current client.
  14. this used to be a poping thread, looks like last activity was 2023 at most, these bats of admins/support dont see their player base had fallen to less than 200 a server (real players).
    jayherbo likes this.
  15. 10 years after promised but hell yeah we will take it, no more bots and cheats ^^
    jayherbo likes this.
  16. anything that is digital can be hacked, wouldn't count your eggs before they hatch
  17. I wouldnt count on that unfortunately, unity does not make a game bot/cheat free by no means
  18. test020

    test020 User

    10 years? they did test unity once but i don't know why they ditched it for flash3D, it was when you could play shards of war too because i had to download unity web player extension for browsers, during seafight unity thing too, didn't get to pick the achievement though
    oh and i now remember shards of war... such a good game that was killed because it could not attract enough moba people.
  19. that they did but they have promised that darkorbit in particular would have been in unity about 8-10 years ago. but yeah idk why the took so long and switched their approach.

    it is way harder to cheat in unity though, especially through a dedicated program. it requires code manipulation which not everyone has.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 4, 2024
  20. Unfortunately they seem to be always 1 step ahead on what bigpoint does, since there is no longer admins flying in maps checking players its very hard to make a foolproof antibot
    KilerStreak likes this.