UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Kyro

    Kyro User


    Phantasm Cyborg Ship Design
    Put on your shining parts with the Phantasm Cyborg Ship Design.
    Phantasm Pusat Plus Ship Design
    Become a little supernova with the Phantasm Pusat Plus Ship Design.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2024
    recursos☺☺ and Seraphim like this.
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    SPC-NPC01 was nerfed
    recursos☺☺ likes this.
  3. Kyro

    Kyro User


    Breaking News:
    Reunion Phantasm Deals ("UnificationSales_202410", is image name but at least seems it's for this)
    Get your hands on the mysterious forces of the cosmos: Phantasm designs for Pusat Plus and Cyborg! Available in individual packs with bonus osmium and other essentials or as a reunion mega pack, and more surprising packs!

    Craft red and blue keys or buy packs in the shop for a chance to get your hands on the new Phantasm Pusat P.E.T. Design this month!

    <!-- Halloween Oct 2024-->
    Union Dusklight Deals
    Get your hands on the gorgeous forces of the cosmos, and gain the power from the sunset: Dusklight designs for Spectrum Plus and Berserker ships! Available in individual packs with bonus SBL-100, or as a massive union mega pack!

    New Dawn
    A new dawn is just around the corner! Pilots, come and join the newly released server on Unity. Not only can you receive gorgeous presents for free while leveling, but you can also get your hands on the shining Booster, Ammo, Uridium packs as well as Ship and Weapon packs!

    Halloween Oct 2024-->
    <item name="window_objectives_bp_promo_desc-halloweenoct2024"><![CDATA[
    Purchase the battle pass to get additional rewards from completing objectives! Don't miss out on the Asmodeus Laser!]]></item>
    <item name="window_objectives_bp_highlight_desc-halloweenoct2024"><![CDATA[
    Complete objectives to get Battle Pass Keys and trade them in for rewards of your choice, including the Asmodeus Laser, XT10 and XH01 series unstable modules! Also complete as many objectives as you can, and you could get the Phantasm Mimesis Ship Design!]]></item>


    <!-- Halloween Oct 2024-->
    Dusklight Spectrum Plus Ship Design
    Show your enemies the ferocious wave with the Dusklight Spectrum Plus ship design!

    Dusklight Berserker Ship Design
    Tear you enemies apart with the Dusklight Berserker ship design!

    Dusklight Berserker Bundle

    Teach your enemies the meaning of true fury with the Dusklight Berserker Bundle! This pack contains Dusklight Berserker ship design and 1250 SBL-100. Designs only, no ship included.
    Dusklight Spectrum Plus Bundle

    Show your enemies the power of the crusher with the Dusklight Spectrum Plus Bundle! This pack contains Dusklight Spectrum Plus ship design and 1250 SBL-100. Designs only, no ship included.
    Dusklight Designs Bundle

    They bring the power of sunset to your enemies, tell them who is the dominator of cosmos with Dusklight Designs Bundle! This pack contains the Dusklight Spectrum Plus and Dusklight Berserker ship designs,and 2500 SBL-100 as well! Designs only, no ship included.
    Halloween Tech Bundle

    This pack contains 5 Battle Repair Bot 2, 10 Backup Shield 2, 10 Energy Leech, 10 Frost Field and 1000 Osmium.
    Mythic Halloween Discovery Pack

    This pack contains 150000 Uridium, 100 Booty Keys, 5000 Seprom, 25000 UCB-100, 15000 RSB-75, 3000 Rinusk, 500 Log Disks and 1000 ABR.
    Mega Halloween Treats Pack

    Grab a mega pack of Halloween treats to celebrate the festivities! This pack contains the following: 120 Golden Candy Corn, 100,000 Candy Corn, 25,000 UCB-100, 15 WIZ-X, 1 Anti-Mine Transmitter and 3000 Seprom.

    Unification Day Sales Oct 2024-->
    Phantasm Pusat P.E.T. Design

    Show your opponents the mysterious force with the Phantasm Pusat P.E.T. Design!
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2024
    recursos☺☺ likes this.
  4. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    SHD-CHT01's a new module. Apparently it's been in the game files for years, but it's finally getting released. I'm not sure what the effect is yet. Bit surprised it's coming from payment as mods don't tend to. I expect it'll end up in Chromin Rush at some point.
    recursos☺☺ likes this.
  5. Kyro

    Kyro User


    Breaking News:
    <!--202411 Season Pass 7-->
    Season Pass: Waning Gibbous
    Get additional rewards by leveling up your Season Pass! Don't miss out on the Enigma Solace Plus Design Set and the XSP01 series Unstable Modules - with boosted chances for Berserker and Solace Plus!

    Astral Ascension rankings ("astralrankings1-dec2024")
    The rifts have awakened; fierce enemies await your impending doom from within! Make the unfamiliar spacecraft your own, show 'em who's boss and claim the title of Trailblazer of the Rifts!

    Astral Ascension rankings
    Strike up your last resolve and face the infamous shadows of the Astral rifts! Do you have what it takes to overcome the odds and become the Sentinel of the Rifts?

    Eternal Black Light rankings
    The Black Light persists. Use everything at your disposal if you must. Will you climb the ranks and be the Eternal Vanguard of the Black Light aliens?

    Eternal Black Light rankings
    The Black Light influence still lingers. Use everything at your disposal if you must. Will you climb the ranks and be the Eternal Pioneer that bashes through the Black Light aliens?

    <!--202411 Season Pass 7-->
    <item name="achievement_seasonpass_202411_2_name"><![CDATA[
    The Enigma]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_seasonpass_202411_2_description"><![CDATA[
    Complete 80 levels of the Gold Season Pass in Season Pass 2024 Waning Gibbous.]]></item>
    <item name="title_seasonpass_202411_2"><![CDATA[
    ⋆ The Enigma ⋆]]></item>

    Enigma Solace Plus Ship Design
    Open a locked treasure chest with Enigma Solace Plus Ship Design where every whispered riddle serves as a key!


    <item name="items_recipe_blueprint-season-solace-plus-enigma_fullname"><![CDATA[Enigma Solace Plus Blueprint]]></item>
    <item name="items_recipe_blueprint-season-solace-plus-enigma_description"><![CDATA[Obtain 1 Enigma Solace Plus Ship Design]]></item>

    Enigma Solace P.E.T. Design
    Lurk into the labyrinth of whispers with the Enigma Solace P.E.T. Design!


    Enigma Solace Drone Design
    Lurk into the labyrinth of whispers with the Enigma Solace Drone Design!


    Atlantis Solace Plus Ship Design
    Explore the myth with the Atlantis Solace Plus ship design, and become the myth yourself.


    Season Pass Wholesome Bundle
    This pack contains the Season Pass, the Extra Gold Pass, 1200 Season Points, 200 DCR-250 and 15000 RSB-75.

    Season Pass Extra Bundle

    This pack contains the Extra Gold Pass, 1000 Season Points, 200 DCR-250 and 15000 RSB-75.

    <item name="title_WinterDec2020"><![CDATA[Frozen Labyrinth]]></item>
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2024
    .-señor_dark11-. and Seraphim like this.
  6. Kyro

    Kyro User


    Breaking News:
    <!--202411 Empyrian March Nov 2024-->
    Join the march in defeating aliens and retrieve the precious Luminium! Use Luminium to craft a variety of useful resources, and uncover the Empyrian Tartarus Plus Ship Design and Cerberus Drone Design in the Empyrian Booty Box!

    <!--202411 Empyrian March Nov 2024-->
    Empyrian Tartarus Plus Ship Design
    Listen to each whispering woe echoing through the void with your Empyrian Tartarus Plus Ship Design.

    Seraphim likes this.
  7. test020

    test020 User

    they word it like tartarus plus doesn't lose 50% of laser damage with a skill activation, it's the second most useless ship in the game, the first being spectrum plus which they insist on making designs as a priority for some reason.
  8. Kyro

    Kyro User


    <!-- Galactic Strife 202411 -->
    <item name="window_objectives_bp_promo_desc-strife202411"><![CDATA[
    Purchase the battle pass to get additional rewards from completing objectives! Don't miss out on the special XT10 series, the ZPVP02 series unstable modules and the Arios and Neikos Pusat Plus Ship Designs!]]></item>
    <item name="window_objectives_bp_highlight_title-strife202411"><![CDATA[
    Arios Pusat Plus Ship Design]]></item>
    <item name="window_objectives_bp_highlight_desc-strife202411"><![CDATA[
    Complete all the objectives to get Battle Pass Keys and trade them in for the Arios and Neikos Pusat Plus Ship Designs, bonus tech, XT10 series unstable modules and the ZPVP02 series unstable modules!]]></item>

    Wildfire Orcus Ship Design
    A crown forged in the heart of a blazing star, the Wildfire Orcus Ship Design is awarded to pilots of the highest calibre.

    Strife Orcus Ship Design
    Reign victorious with the Strife Orcus Ship Design, slice through the darkness of uncertainty.

    <item name="items_bpk_arios-pusat-plus-ship-design_fullname"><![CDATA[Arios Pusat Plus Ship Design]]></item>
    <item name="items_bpk_neikos-pusat-plus-ship-design_fullname"><![CDATA[
    Neikos Pusat Plus Ship Design]]></item>
    <item name="items_bpk_prometheus-laser_fullname"><![CDATA[
    Prometheus Laser]]></item>
    Seraphim likes this.
  9. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Looks almost indistinguishable from Arios and Epion Orcus...



    Laziest recolours yet.

    Did I read that part about a Prometheus laser in the battlepass right.
  10. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Yup, the "bpk" in the text basically seems to mean it's something can get with Battle Pass Keys(of course if it's right/don't change their mind) - also of course because of this text(other two "bpk"):

    "<item name="window_objectives_bp_highlight_desc-strife202411"><![CDATA[Complete all the objectives to get Battle Pass Keys and trade them in for the Arios and Neikos Pusat Plus Ship Designs ..."
  11. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    I can't imagine anyone would want to waste ~30 bp keys on a Prom.
    No Ody laser this time around. That's a shame :(
  12. Kyro

    Kyro User


    <!-- Thanksgiving and Black Friday 202411 -->

    Prometheus Pusat Plus
    Ship Design

    Like the sunrise breaking through a long night, the Prometheus Pusat Plus Design is the vibrant tapestry woven by the Prometheus Day Treaty.


    Prometheus Sentinel
    Ship Design

    For the lighthouse keepers that guided our ship through the tempest of the Three-Day War, we celebrate the architects of victory with the Prometheus Sentinel Ship Design.


    Prometheus Day Holo Bundle
    Fight as one because this deal happens only during Prometheus Day sales! This bundle contains the Holo Ship, along with Epion Holo, Smite Holo, Osiris Holo!
    Prosperous Annual Set
    Live prosperous with this Prosperous Annual Set with Prosperous Cyborg Ship Design, Prosperous Goliath Plus Ship Design, and Prosperous Citadel Plus Ship Design! Designs only, no ship included.
    Arios Annual Set
    Burn the galaxy down with this Arios Annual Set with Arios Hammerclaw Plus Ship Design, Arios Orcus Ship Design, and Arios Venom Ship Design! Designs only, no ship included.
    Asimov Annual Set
    Time to go on a journey with the Asimov Annual Set with Asimov Solace Plus Ship Design, Asimov Pusat Plus Ship Design, and Asimov Spectrum Plus Ship Design! Designs only, no ship included.
    The Sail Through Design Set
    Can't make up your mind and want it all? Get the Sail Through Design Set at a discounted price! This set contains the Prosperous Cyborg Ship Design, Prosperous Goliath Plus Ship Design, Prosperous Citadel Plus Ship Design, the Arios Hammerclaw Plus Ship Design, Arios Orcus Ship Design, Arios Venom Ship Design and the Asimov Solace Plus Ship Design, Asimov Pusat Plus Ship Design, Asimov Spectrum Plus Ship Design. Designs only, no ship included.
    c.h.a.n.g.e.l.a, Seraphim and IANIS19 like this.
  13. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Just a small post, seems those Prometheus Sentinel files didn't have right images before(that didn't notice, though should of >.>(that was Phantasm Sentinel)) but looks like correct images appeared now:

    Prometheus Sentinel Ship Design
    For the lighthouse keepers that guided our ship through the tempest of the Three-Day War, we celebrate the architects of victory with the Prometheus Sentinel Ship Design.

    There's also this Breaking News Image thats appeared:

  14. i am most impressed with all the updates to the game i think the people who run it are doing a fantastic job so thanku from me for all yer hard work
    recursos☺☺ likes this.
  15. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    == New Ship Designs ==

    Frost Spearhead Plus

    Frost Hecate Plus
    ☻chris☻[CHG] likes this.
  16. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    == New Ship Design ==

    Frost Solaris Plus - releasing with the battle pass event.

    == New Event ==

    Deep Space Echoes

    Requires: Travel Permit (Ticket)


    • Destroy all enemies.
    • Destroy %VALUE%.
    • Protect allied NPC from being destroyed.
    • Protect allied NPC to the destination.

    It looks like a more engaging version of Astral Ascension. It'll probably be a seasonal ranking event.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2024
  17. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    == New Ship Design ==


    Blaze Spearhead Plus - From Obsidian boxes
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2024
    recursos☺☺ likes this.
  18. Seraphim

    Seraphim User


    == Gauntlet of Plutus - January 2025 ==

    Ship Designs:
    • Nobilis Hammerclaw Plus > New <
    • Nobilis Hecate Plus
    P.E.T. Design:
    • Nobilis Hammerclaw > New <

    == Monthly Ranking Update - January 2025 ==

    = New Champion Blueprints =

    Ship Designs:

    • Seraph Disruptor > New <
    • Tyrannos Cyborg
    • Tyrannos Mimesis

    == Empyrian March - January 2025 ==

    Ship Design:
    • Empyrian Solace Plus > New <

    Edit: renders
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    Last edited: Jan 4, 2025
    .-señor_dark11-. and AVIT like this.
  19. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Not new info but thought I'd share this:

    A list of the battlepass events of 2024 with whatever ships they came with.

    It may or may not be helpful in deducing what's to come in 2025.
  20. Seraphim

    Seraphim User


    == Season Pass 8 ==

    • The Golden Horseman
    • The Apocalypse

    Ship Designs:
    • Hellspire Orcus > New <
    • Thornspire Orcus > New <

    P.E.T. Design:
    • Thornspire Orcus > New <

    Drone Design:
    • Thornspire Orcus > New <

    XSP01 - Boosted rate for Orcus and Spearhead Plus ships

    == Prosperous Event ==

    Ship Designs:
    • Prosperous Sentinel > New <
    • Prosperous Spectrum Plus > New <

    == Old Stuff ==

    Test servers have different titles for Jan 2025 Blacklight Ranking 1.
    Eternal Ghost -> Eternal Spirit

    SHD-CHT01: -5% HP, +5% DMG, +15% SHD for Cyborg, Hecate, Hecate Plus, Tempest
    Bear in mind these stats could be wrong. They haven't been officially disclosed.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2025