upgrades for tech items

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by deathlykiller45, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. ANgry.mN

    ANgry.mN User

    increces reduction of own laser dmg by 2% but increces effect by 60% colldown lowered by 30%
    credits 5mill
    uri 50k
    sep 30k
    palla 200
    30k sep o_O
  2. i agree w/ everything but sep it should go down y 1/2 that fair

    ill nerf omega

    nerfed it

    changed it
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 4, 2014
  3. Nah.. Tech Items are already valued at: "Bang for your Buck" so upgrading IMO is not necessary.. so, no!
  4. realy not all of them 10k shield dmg and thats it on 7 nmys realy

    what bang lol
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 4, 2014
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Not a good idea we already have enough issue with the difference in strength between the best equipped and average players.
    Unstoppable likes this.
  6. "Bang for your Buck" means just, that they have a great value in price and what they offer.
  7. Tech items are 100% fine as they are and also you put 30K sep and the skylab can only hold 9k sep
  8. what if they only worked on npcs
  9. Really who uses tech items on npcs :p
    ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ likes this.
  10. I don't mean to be rude, but these ideas are Horrible. I agree all of the tech items except energy leech need to be buffed but this is overbuffing. This would completely destroy any competition between WW and FE.
  11. 50k uri for one tech? no thanks rather spend on upgrades or something worth it not one tech item
  12. It is a good idea, however, lower the effects of some of them such as the battle repair bot and backup shield: there giving out to much status effect making the player basically invincible for the duration given... If the effects of some of these are lowered/duration decreased then I would like to see this system come out.
  13. i have just canged it too your liking
  14. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Simply no, A skilled player knows how to use techs and can win 10 vs 1 sometimes..
    So if you wanna upgrade techs they are gonna win even in 25 vs 1? Bad idea..
  15. upgraded techs don't work in pvp
  16. yeha you have gone a little over the top here, its a nice idea to give tech items upgrades but i dont really understand half of it,
  17. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    No thanks, I understand where you are coming from, but we don't need more UFE players getting even stronger. We don't need them to become UUFE (Ultimate Ultra Full Elite).
  18. i replaced a couple omega class with awesome weapons

    BOSS~ADAM User

    So expensive...the chain destroyer could use an upgrade since it's weak and worthless as it stands but for the others, no, a battle repair bot that repairs like 25k HP for half a minute, hell no, the only update all the tech items might need is just double what they do to make then more usable within the game in this day and age, a battle repair bot is still useful but against someone hitting 150k+ every few seconds, it's usually pointless to try, doubling it to repair 200k HP in 10 seconds seems like a fair alternative.
  20. ty and kk(ty for the constructive comment)