uri deposit on apis and zeus drones

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GunStar_The_Legend, Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. Ok so how many of you new guys have not the instant uri to build a zeus or apis? lot of hands raised i bet. and how many of you have not the uri to buy thousands of booty keys yeah thought so. and on top of that how many of you bought lots of keys on zeus day only to gather more apis parts than anything else. so my idea allow new players to deposit uri towards there apis or zeus to help drop the cost, while there buying booty keys and searching for parts to finish it. i dont know how many times i saved up several thousand uri to put towards those drones and eneded up spending it all on ammo or boosters.
    BALKAN![NW™] and Mini like this.
  2. I like this idea, my Apis costs 422.7k. I can't save this amount up but It would be easier to deposit like what, 15k-30k uri a day?
    +1 from me
  3. Great idea!!! +1 although I already have Apis and Zeus this would be cool for other people to get their Apis and Zeus because then they don't have to save up for months and months to get 1 million uridium to get the Apis or Zeus!!! Definate +1 from me!!
  4. +1 from me
  5. BallistikD

    BallistikD User

    Nice idea. Drone Lay Away program. Please visit the cashier at customer service for details.
  6. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    +1 For me, I got both of em already but it would be very useful for other players.
  7. ~Dr.Agony~

    ~Dr.Agony~ User

    I like this idea. I've thought about it a few times myself.
  8. So, you want to put some down toward the drones while not having the ability to save up all the uri need to buy those outright. Sounds good.
  9. Agreed, this is a very good idea GunStar. I'm up for it. +1 from me.

  10. +1 FROM GREECE :)