Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ELMONODAJUAN, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. HOLA
    Quiero Saber Una tecnica facil párr CONSEGUIR uridium Bastante facil soy goliat lvl 13 6 lf3 pego 2100-2750 quisiera una tecnica por favor juego en USA(WEST COAST)

  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You are on the wrong forum.

    To change to Spanish you need to select the Spanish language on the backpage, you can do this easily by opening up your pilot profile and in the top right of the page is a list of languages. Since you are playing on a English only server you will need to change from USA West to a Global or Spanish speaking server first.

    If you are going to use the English forum you will need to speak English.
  3. Shifterai

    Shifterai User


    Thank you Okapi32 for your assistance.

    You will need to contact the Spanish language Forums, as this is the English language forums.

    Closing as wrong Team Forums.
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