USA East Spaceball Fun!!

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by ĠřęęŋLäňţęřŋ89, Aug 5, 2024.

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  1. August 4,2024
    US East Server

    Logged on and to my surprise it's Spaceball. MMO 4 EIC 0 VRU 0. I asked if any eic wanted to play but most were in gates. Then MMO 6 EIC 0 VRU 0. I asked some VRU if they wanted to work together. They mostly wanted to get PVP kills. So EIC AND VRU worked together. I died more than I got kills but then with VRU providing support EIC started scoring. Later on we lost some VRU but then more EIC logged or finished gates and were helping. Later on MMO 10 EIC 10 VRU 0. Most VRU logged off but MMO lost a lot of their players to gates or getting off.

    Final score was MMO 10 EIC 12 or 13 and VRU 0.

    It was a blast. It was fun seeing some DO Veterans log on and surprised to see the Lone Green Lantern using my x1 firing on the ball and helping kill mmo haha. Thanks to VRU for the back up and thanks to the EIC that helped. At the end WDL clan in their Venoms helped move the ball fast for that last goal before event was over.

    It wasn't as big as I have participated in Dark Orbit old days but it was really fun. We came back from losing by working together. I hope mmo didn't take it too personal in chat with me cheering how we're number one. It was a fun game!
