USA West Server

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by DeathWish10, Mar 9, 2024.

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  1. Will allow me to log in but will not connect to game client. Endlessly loads on "establishing connection", until it ultimately prompts "connection lost." Seeing other servers having this issue. Wondering if there has been a response yet?
  2. yea i got the same problem
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    same here, will someone at BP please wake Freddy up and tell he needs to give the sever in his garage a kick or smack or what he did last time, that seams to work. Might ask if he check and made sure the March Sync wasn't corrupt. Seems like ever month not long after we have issues.
  4. Gr8Ape

    Gr8Ape User

    I'm still having same problem like the rest of the other player. Lost connection to server, but no problem log into server(guessing USA West Coast server. It not title problem, some player got fix, but not me with/without title.
    SkyHero-42 likes this.
  5. This is way past annoying.