Venom Singularity

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ICΣ~CΘLD~ƘILLΔ, Apr 26, 2014.

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  1. Please Remove that People able to Warp ships in Demi Zone or at Stations they able to warp ships and are able to get rid of venom singularity you People have made Venom ship a joke.
  2. What ?

    Its possible to warp while you are attacked... ? lol

    I think it's good, that you can warp on base and so on, but venom skill is attack...
    If it's on you, you shouldn't be able to warp.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It might be that this is more of a technical issue than anything else; I remember when venom first came out people could just log out to prevent the skill effecting them x)

    So I think being able to warp ships to avoid the venom being used might be a glitch rather than something the devs intended to do. If it was something they intended to do then I agree, it should be changed either way so people can't.
  4. Shifterai

    Shifterai User


    As previously stated by others, this seems to be a technical error. Will move this thread to the Tech Section to be looked into further.

    This has been passed on to be tested. Thank you for your time and patience.

    Moved from - Update & Idea Pool
    To - Technical Issues

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you all for your patience,
    This issue has been tested and found that a warping does work while being attacked by venom skill, but it did not cancel the damage, so a repair report will be submitted.

    As we do not have a time frame as to when this issue may be resolved, please know that we are working on it.

    Thank you very much and have a nice day!
  6. lost1*

    lost1* User

    I reported this over 1 year ago and was told then that support would look into it / however warping your ship does not stop the attack and is no different then emping useing battle repair bot or haveing an agis repair you the damage still runs it course.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for your input in to this matter... This is merely an update as to how this is proceeding.

    Please have a nice day
    Last edited: May 17, 2014
  9. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Spam website. Gonna get your account hacked