Veteran Designs

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Juturna, Nov 19, 2013.

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  1. Juturna

    Juturna User


    “While others stay retro
    we’ll be waiting at the finish line.

    Kepler Foundries -

    The Art of Synergy”


    "23/05/2259 – The first human made Galaxy Gate opens for intergalactic business.

    23/05/2459 – Kepler Foundries releases the Veteran models.

    Today is a good day!”



    1.The protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization.
    2.The ultimate backup when your ship is under heavy rocket fire.

    Thank you to ~Astraea~ & =SERAPH= for their assistance with this thread.

    Originally posted 22.05.13 / 23.05.13 / 24.05.13
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