vru cheated on influence gb1

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DARKHOBBIT, Apr 17, 2014.

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  1. But being as he is the one apparently activating the rounds, why would he die instantly ? The round don't start immediately, you have to wait for the timer to count down, and you have to wait before the timer even starts, even so if this guy did just jump in, realise he is outnumbered, he can always jump out before anyone even gets over to where he is positioned...point being is he wouldnt die instantly.

    But I may as well add, while we are all crying over this guy apparently you know, helping us cheat...I was in there for over half the SC's nd even if this noob which I did see flying around a few times was activating the round, we had UFEs from MMO also jumping in, flying around picking off the easy kills, point being is, even if this noob hadnt been there, we still had people trying to get kills jumping in, so EIC can cry nd be sore cos they did get battered, we eventually took over both the SC's nd pushed them out altogether.
  2. ex botting auto locking you bought that account u have now. Your a joke pal at least am the real 1


    45million extra for nothing , if you think that is fair than good for you the Event might as well end now and a big thankyou to the dev team for bringing a troll event
  4. this in not a
    server ya clown its gb1 lol . Go buy a acc on a diff server cause ur uselss.
  5. But GB2 still has MORE better players.
  6. i like that weak ships jumping servers lol its called change smashed judge dents miss kitti icebabes and smoking not many left to own and a few of the good players that could beat me left like demo,nasher we left so we dint bully u noobs lol
  7. all gb2 left for rank simple as weaklings

    Everybody knows it, good players aswell for a daft rank
  8. Oh i thought he kept going in there even after dying out of it too.
  9. Don't let that clown fool ya, he was properly the 1 doing it
  10. lol i'm not here to get dragged into that servers problems, i'm just hear tossing my opinions in. I don't play there, i can't judge them.
  11. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Clearly, this is just going around in circles.

    If anyone has a genuine issue with the event (as opposed to random complaints and accusations), then you can discuss it with Support.
    There is a link in my signature, if needed.

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