Warbond Demaner

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. The rewards are incredible high, however it's very dependent on luck. IMO it's unfair if someone put much effort for getting this Demaner box and doesn't have succeeds.
  2. Veki

    Veki User

    Is it possible to get nothing from demaner box?
    Demaner FAQ states that for each item there is a seperate roll. Since no item has 100% spawn chance, is it possible to get nothing?

    I'm asking because I got no items from the list that top 10 players get. However, I did get 20k uri from list that top 8 players get.

    Also, if we have full 2nd apis / zeus drone, do we get nothing when we roll a drone part or we get a re-roll like for green booty box?
  3. The big problem with this event is 1 demeaner every 20 min. so like today out of 4 times i chose right 1 time so basically i waited for 1 demeaner 1 hour and 20 min the rest of the time i just waist my boosters hoping i have the right map. Rewards are ok just not enough of them or they should be spawning in an order so players know where it comes next."just my opinion" Enjoy
  4. The problems are still here without a respond in the feedback thread. I fear that nothing will be changed during this event.
  5. batata

    batata User

    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  6. Cant get close to Demaner ufe kill any noob that gets close and then you reward them with rsb and stuff and then they can keep slamming us all the time. and if you spawn like 3 on different maps the same will happen again the ufe will split into groups and still cant do quests thought this game was suppose to be fair. I understand its hard to get the balance
  7. Its RB not RSB and UFE will not shoot you when demaner spawn because if he shoot you he will not get box, after all for some reson vru got demilitarized zone when jump from 1-3 to 2-3 and 2-3 to 1-3 so you can stay in portal and don't be attacked.
  8. I understand about port but no matter what I try the second me or any low players shot to do there quests pop. 3days ive been trying to do 1 quest and I can bet I'm not only one. all I want is to take part in events but every time gota stay at portal. (I did write rsb m8)
  9. I know you write rsb but you get RB in box its x8 demaner ammo doing x4 on players. You can survive as long as you sit on top of huge group of players so they can't click on you, demaner die in 10 sec anyway so stick to big groups specially if they are infected than its harder to pick right target.
  10. Sunday is the worse LAG I have every played since 2010. The lag is so long it takes the demeaner 4 maps to die. Hard to do anything with 20 to 30 seconds in between each shots. Please help us play today. So sad. Thanks for all your help......
  11. Try to stay camouflaged on the border of the map near the portal and wait until the Demaner is spawned. Then use Jump-CPU to jump on the displayed map. Activate EMP if somebody will attack you and hide in the huge crowd→.....→ make profit.
  12. It takes too long when you jump to a map. The demaner will be dead. You have to guess which map it will be at. Hope to be lucky. I have made a lot of RB-214 off this way. Over 800,000 RB-214 so it works well if you are lucky.
  13. I make over 5m RB-214 with "luck", its a little bit luck but you can raise odds to guess right map if you write it down where it spawn, by rng there is no way every time 1st spawn in rotation will be on same map.

    I already said more than I should, read between lines.
    I'm not gonna give you full guide couse I want to colect more boxes.
  14. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Pretty decent event, with very good rewards... Maybe double the ammount of hp of the demaner for the next event, right now it dies way too fast.
  15. apetown.

    apetown. User

    best event for a while. good rewards, but next time maybe little more hp for it.
  16. Please expand the event duration and increase Demaner's HP, the event isn't enjoyable. Most of the players are not able to get some rewards.
  17. When 50 people shoot demaner 42 will not get reward they desire, even you instead of 1k uridium get 2k uridium doesn't change the fact that you will not get box anyway, also if you are on wrong map when it spawn only thing you can hope for is uridium couse there is no way you can outdmg 8 people if don't shoot from start.

    Give more than 8 box would be probably too much and cut on half reward and give 16 box will be bad, yes more people will get it but you will get less reward, that might be good on bigger servers but on smaller where you can't found 16 people to shoot it its bad idea.
  18. Last feedback before you close it,

    it was nice while it last, with a little bit of luck and thinking you could get 1-2 box per hour if you are on right map, overall nice event.
  19. I loved the event. Only improvements would be add more hit points to demeaner and have it spawn on all 3 maps at the same time. Those simple changes would fix most issues with the event. Thanks dark orbit for a good event. Please do it again with these changes.
  20. How about you just scrap Demaner event and get onto the real October Event the ToT ????? how about we concentrate on something like that ? Where is the yearly Halloween Event ? the Tunnel of Terror ? Halloween Boxes ?

    put Demaner in the junk heap its just a lagfest anyway we want the ToT.
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