We Need HELP!!! Someone Hacking Account

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Lev_, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. .D1™

    .D1™ User

    No need to be hostile, lol. At no point did I say the OP mentioned the owner gave out his/her account information.

    I am an 8 year noob of BP games and also worked on other games in a pretty high position. Just giving advise as I am pretty sure I know how things operate.

    With that said, I hope you have a great day.
  2. βΞŇŇ

    βΞŇŇ User

    way to go BB clan for being a whole bunch of idiots... Benn aka me did NOT hack your account... niox shared password with me a while ago WHICH YOU DIDN'T EVEN MENTION, and that's what I meant by log in data lost, he knows it too but he did not mention either as it wouldn't be beneficial to him getting his account back. I hope he does get it and apologise for accusing me of stuff like this... I said it was not funny... I have no connection to hackers or any sort of that thing. If you want to further accuse me please do it with proof.
    hellseeker685 likes this.
  3. and yes benn is a funny person use to play pranks but he can never do such type of things so accusing someone without any proof is wrong
  4. burkey

    burkey User

    Reading through the chat log I fail to see where Benn admits he hacked the account....? Or where the CM comes and goes (there isn't a single post from the CM there)

    Not sure about GA5 but GB1 barely has a CM on anymore...
  5. βΞŇŇ

    βΞŇŇ User

    exactly.. they accuse me for nothing... I am starting to believe BB works in the mass-media buisness lol... they too bring the worst out of people whether it's true or not.
    As for CMs, most of them are busy banning people for saying things like swears or insults or even different language whispers..., no warning, just a simple 1 day ban -_-
  6. White_Pepper

    White_Pepper Guest


    As you have already stated a ticket has been sent to support it is now a support issue and can't be dealt with via forums, also due to our privacy policy the player concerned needs to be the one that contacts support.

    Closing as already contacted support.

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