Weapons Firing Bug.

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by ChooChooTrain, Feb 23, 2024.

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  1. Hitting "Ctrl" in 5-2 does nothing, doesn't even engage an attack half of the time, yet things are still happily following me around the map also not doing any damage.

    How can you mess up the ability for a player to fire a weapon, that's just insane.

    You know your game is beyond saving when the developers can't even code "FIRE" correctly.
  2. Along with switching configs and freezing until they switch which takes awhile at times. What a game they made out of this mess...lol
    aso_pika likes this.
  3. Kaylion

    Kaylion User

    I use shift instead of ctrl. Trust me, it works.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  4. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    If NPCs won't hit you then you've got connection issues or a desync.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  5. Thanks I for got you can change the commands in settings and found shortcuts..lol 15 yrs playing and found this out lol ty again
    Kaylion likes this.
  6. I know what a bad connection or desync looks like lol this was a genuine, "everything stops working yet still moving" bug/glitch lol.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  7. Like being in a galaxy gate and freezing...next thing you know you're at the base...lol
  8. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    That's a bad connection. lol
  9. A bad connection means nothing moves as the sync with the server isn't sending nor receiving data meaning positions of NPC's will not be shown on my screen.

    This is a bug of which I encountered where the firing code isn't continuing to run once the function has been triggered.

    Please learn the difference between lag/bad connection/desync and a bug :).
  10. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    It's a bad connection, not a disconnection.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 2, 2024
  11. Every bot and every player in the map was facing the same problem, flying around dragging stuff and not firing nor being fired at :), and several members of my clan reported the same problem at the same time on the same day in the same map.

    This is a glitch in the firing code :).

    A bad connection sync would imply every NPC/Ship would stop moving on my screen during the connection spike/issue due to the server not sending the location/coords data, if it was a bad connection and/or sync issue, the NPC's would not be visibily moving on my screen due to this :). Also the bug occurs in one map, not server wide, so yes, it is indeed a glitch and/or bug :).

    Hell, people still say "lag" when their FPS drops lol

    PS: I'm a game designer and/or modder/coder by hobby.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 2, 2024
  12. When you have poor connection to server your ship still can move even though everything else freezes. So if you have bad outcoming connection you can still move as it is clientside and others can move since its coming from server but you cant shoot/collect things as thats sending data from client to server. If this would be code related issue I'm sure I would have encountered it during 15 years of being here.

    Maps in darkorbit are divided into groups at different IP adresses so it is likely that particular IP which 5-2 uses had issues at that time with it and all other maps that used the same IP would have the same issue as well. That is why sometimes when the game is down some people can stil log in as they are in maps that have working IP adress.

    Also being a game designer/modder/coder doesnt really mean anything unless you are familiar with actionscript which is pretty much dead programming language at this point.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 2, 2024
    Enforcer likes this.
  13. Yes, I read your messege fully. I dont see how this proves that it is a bug in game's code. Whats your evidence for that other than believing it is? I gave mine already. Since other people had it as well it is server having connection issues at recieving side.

    If this would be a bug in code it wouldn't be 5-2 specific or even 5-2's IP group specific as thats not how this game works, it would happen on all maps all the time.
    But anyways it is a waste of time to debate here, write to support and send them info about this and why you think it is a bug.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 2, 2024
    Enforcer likes this.
  14. It also happened to me in 4-5 so it is not map specific. It is also their servers 100% as enemies and NPCs were still moving and changing directions but i still could not shoot, neither could my enemy.
  15. Don't know what server you play but 4-5 and 5-2 are in same map IP group on my server, I think they are in same group on all servers. When it happens it will happen on all the maps that are part of that group.
  16. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Still a bad connection. You can cope all you want with poor reasons and emoticons and it won't change the fact. I know because I've had this exact issue. Not saying it's on your end because of the NEW information you only just disclosed about it affecting everyone on your server.

    Being a dev of a sort doesn't mean squat when you're convincing yourself of the wrong conclusion. No one asked or cares.
  17. I had the same problem. For me, it started two days ago.
    I pressed the ctrl button to perform the attack. My ship moved along with the aliens, but the shooting animation didn't happen, and no damage was shown because there was no damage because shots were not being rendered or counted. It's not a connection issue because all the ships were actually moving and shooting me. I experienced this while in 4-5 and x-BL.
    The problem usually stops when you stop attacking and start the attack again, but there's a chance the bug may happen right away.

    So yeah, not a connection problem like stated here, they are different things:
  18. Thank you to those who are also verifying that it is indeed not a connection issue but another problem all together, also thank you to those disrupting an attempt to make the developers aware of an issue which indeed needs looking at :).
  19. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Bringing a sock over to cope harder isn't going to change the fact. The issue described in this post is different anyway. Check your keybinds and keyboard. The 'dev' person definitely has a connection issue but he can keep complaining otherwise.
  20. I did some testing today and found a way to semi-reliably cause this to happen. You have to lock the target and immidiately press the fire button for this to happen, very small timeframe for this to happen.
    Before this I thought that the issue causes your ship to lock onto the target ( ships front will stay towards the enemy) but this isnt the case.
    Conclusion: Game takes some time to register that you have locked onto a target, very small amount of it. If you press ctrl fast enough server has not registered that you have locked to a target and will treat it as pressing the fire button without having a target. Not a bug in code, just latency.