Weapons Firing Bug.

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by ChooChooTrain, Feb 23, 2024.

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  1. Thank you for also confirming that the issue exists in terms of an issue within the game itself and not a connection issue, please ignore those who are fixated on every problem on DarkOrbit being "lag" or a "connection issue" when it is not always the case :).
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Interesting. That's different to the 'dev' person's issue nonetheless.

    Why are you talking to yourself. lmao, using an alt to change the story because he realised he was totally wrong. Yep the game's attack system's broken just for you because you're special.
  3. *-ΛLΞMDΛЯ-*[ΛTΛ]
    This could also be related to another disorder.
    When I lock on the alien and start shooting, a red cross hair circle forms around it,
    which also means you have it. While white means that someone else is shooting or has locked it.
    Now it has often appeared that even though I was the first to lock the target and destroyed it all by myself until I shot it down,
    there has been no reward, and I assume that someone else earned a reward from me, even though I was all alone shooting.
    Can someone else's lock take that long, and why doesn't the circle turn white if it was already occupied.
    It is not consistent to shoot rewards for others when you are doing tasks for yourself..
    Seraphim likes this.
  4. That is a bug thats been in the game probably as long as it has existed, sometimes when you have grey lock you will get the rewards (assuming you shot first or waited long enough) and vice versa. If I remember correctly it takes around 20-30 seconds for that grey lock to turn red as long as the first person or their pet doesn't come back to shoot it.

    If you dont get the rewards probably someones pet has dealt just a small amount of damage to it and you destroy it too fast before its ownerships gets to you.
    Seraphim likes this.
  5. I don't have an alt account. Its ok to be wrong, don't worry :).

    And please don't accuse people on the forums of using a 2nd/Alt, that may end up in a report :), I merely thanked the other user for their comments, the moderators can happily check all info available and prove that the reply I made was indeed not to an alt account :), they can also check the links to game accounts and use any means necessary to prove that I do also indeed not use an Alt account :), you are more deluded than I first thought.

    You continue to think its a bad connection and/or lag because you play a flash game for a living, this is why genuine issues don't get fixed because people just say its lag, you really really do need to learn how a game works and know the difference between latency/bad connection and a game issue :).
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2024
  6. cicko1

    cicko1 User

    i have had the same issues .. lock, press ctrl etc and ... nothing. spam the ctrl button .. each time i maybe send off 1 laser burst that does nothing and i have to keep hitting that ctrl button until it does eventually do a few bursts of laser that does dmg until the npc is finally dead. it was almost painfully unplayable so i went to a different map and everything was fine .. and another map, everything was fine. i went back to 5-2 and guess what, i wasnt firing again yet 5-1 and 5-3 were fine. lag u say ? if it was lag it would follow me . and for the record, there was a group of us. all online playing manually ( we are not bots ) and every single 1 of us had the exact same issue .
  7. Lag wont follow you on all the maps unless all the maps suffer from it. The reason why 5-1 and 5-3 were fine is because they are in different Map IP group as you can see below:
    Next time this happens to you again go to one of the maps in the same group and you can see it will happen there as well. You can also notice this when the game appears to be down some people can still access the game if they are on maps that arent affected.

    But it is pointless to continue this as OP clearly has no idea what he is talking about claiming to be developer/coder/whatever and has't shown any proof to his claims about a bug in code other than his ''I feel like it is''.
    Suprising coincidence that the account you replied made his account on the same day and only thing he has done was reply to this thread. But I'm sure that is just coincidence and not alt, not accusing you of having one.