well.. autolock is back ..

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Øмєga, Dec 29, 2013.

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  1. Øмєga

    Øмєga User

    nice .u got rid of "all" the cheaters .. sure .except the ones with autolock nice one bp . go on the west server and see for ur self or on my server eg4 ,although nowhere near as many as on the west server .there are a few there also ,

    BOSS~ADAM User

    They never left lol.
  3. just because u got locked while cloaked doesnt mean u were autolocked. Most of the people that are accused on US west are legit, its just that some people cant accept losing so they make excuses blaming others of cheating, I play daily on west and have not been autolocked in months.

    BOSS~ADAM User

  5. Øмєga

    Øмєga User

    how about go hunting every day on 2 different servers .every day . like I do .. and then when someone is out of ur screen ,and I have a freaking 23 in screen(diagonal) and he's shooting u and don't give me crap about lag cuz I never lag I have 3 gaming pc one 1200 bucks the other 1900 and the other 2900 bucks and great internet .and they lock me right after emp .but they die out of 2 hits ..yeah they have such great skills ..and I didn't say all ,but there are a few .and u seem like the type of noob that thinks the bots r gone even though go look on most of the servers the paladium map is full of them
  6. So your PC doesn't lag.
    That does not mean that the server doesn't either.
  7. Railgunner

    Railgunner User

    People that use tools such as those never left the game...DO just implemented stuff to mask it and profit from it at the same time... Atleast that's the way it seems. It's funny how different updates to the game can be related to all the different hacks, whether they're real or not.
  8. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Like it ever left ...
  9. oh really come and pay a visit to global europe 3 and see with ur eyes to know what bp doing
  10. MeF_ioza

    MeF_ioza User

    yes come to ge3 as ezio said everybody thinks i use programs just beacuse i have some skills and lock players very fast while they are cloacked
    LORD-ULTIMA and mr_plaku™ like this.
  11. Put the video at regular speed and let us see the mouse, then it'll be more believable
  12. Well today I saw someone on GB1 from a well known cheat clan collecting pally non-stop as I watched for ages. Then when I shot him his ship instantly stopped moving and as soon as his first config ran out of shields, it switched to his second config, eventually just letting himself pop by not moving one millimetre from the second I started shooting. Nothing in chat, no "human-like" movement, just pally to pally while I followed until the second I shot, then just no movement at all.

    First time I have seen this ship behaviour since around July. I really hope it doesn't continue. Also noticed a LOT of lag today, not sure if related, and it isn't lag on my side trust me. I know this sort of thing has been going on for some time since the ban waves etc. but this is the first time it has been so obvious to me.
  13. DatDino

    DatDino User

    I know who you are on about ;)
  14. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Well few days ago i jumped into 4-4 and had someone locked onto me from mid map, so i checked it out and there was no surprise that the person was from a well known cheat clan on gb1 :S
  15. MeF_ioza

    MeF_ioza User

    ok i will but it will be kinda long
  16. Just half the video.
  17. im not defending anyone here or even the one who use auto lock but the ppl who use auto lock isnt that stupid to run it while they r recording video cuz it will appear in mini map so they just turn it off and record and when they finish recording they turn it on and say im clean and i dont use anything if u dont believe me see the video and see they all do that and DO and BP dont care about it
  18. MeF_ioza

    MeF_ioza User

    so you thin
    so you think i just turned it off or what cant you see i am playing like this is video all the time and aztolock now are very very rare probably only couple of players in game that are using it. 90% of all players that are charged of using autolock are not even using it SKILLS man SKILLS
  19. MeF_ioza

    MeF_ioza User

    LORD-ULTIMA and mr_plaku™ like this.
  20. There may be a few people that are still making this game unfair for other people but what they should do is report the people you see who are using the bot/autolock so the Darkorbit team can look at them and assess what they are doing or using etc and then make further decisions.