well.. autolock is back ..

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Øмєga, Dec 29, 2013.

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  1. u got me wrong domen ;) i know u well i was just explain to killer that ppl r not silly like he think and im sure if i put my video here he will say but it in normal speed to make sure
    and no offense domen in ge3 i know some from mef eic useing it and same for HE in mmo and same for roma in vru but roma is the worse in that for me i want one admin to check ge3 but as i say DO and BP dont care and like this i kind declare war on myself if any of this clans know my name in ge3 but anyway gone be for just 20 days :)
    Happy new year :)

    do you think that darkorbit team will help this is joke i have try once and sent them pic of my chat while i was talking with one of the bots and he admit in the chat he use it but what did they do i wont say i will make you guss
    another thing in my server eic general got banned 5 times or more and he still there and he still general lol keep dreaming
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 1, 2014
  2. Omega

    Omega User

    lol funny how u think they will actually look at the player.. I reported them plenty of times and most of them say that the script is doing the job perfectly and that it will catch them .sure that's why the paladium map is full of them lol
  3. Alright, no autolock xD
    Nice moves too, can you send me your configs?
  4. If you say they ever legt the gameyour really wrong. They just sleept for a few months. ANC know they thinking BP doesn't scan anymore. And the scripters are word then ever now. If I watch tot my server Global EU 2 they can lock you from miles away. And the hit 200k with vengie every hit. Nut if you complain they say lagg....
  5. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Auto lockers never left indied... They just waited a few months and now i'm seeing more and more.. Not weekly but daily !
    Yesterday at spaceball i saw 3 new auto lockers, today in palla another one..
    And in a year if bigpoint is gonna do nothing 80% will use this stupid program..
  6. MeF_ioza

    MeF_ioza User

    1 strong all lasers 1 fast 8 shields 12 lasers on drones
    KilerStreak likes this.
  7. There are no cheats in DO all skilful players and anything else is just lag :D.
  8. What a big lie you loser. I see hacks like 416k damage on my screen from one guy, no one else around. No hacks? Keep dreaming.
  9. Lol, search up 2014 DO Hacks
  10. Great, auto lockers are back, actually they never went, i guess they will trash the game like before and DO will be WAY WAY behind them and wont react or do anything until everyone has left the game... sigh