What a sad joke

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by £ôśţ✪Ĉâüŝє, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    It is a shame so many of the veteran players like yourself and I have chosen to move on, respect for you making that move faster than I did.

    I guess there must be around 80 million of us ( if we accept DO's misguided advertising on the landing page. :rolleyes:) that no longer play regularly, reflecting how this once great game has fallen.

    We will always have the memories of the great game we signed up to and spend so much time enjoying.
  2. Good fight on ctb lost ... why don't u use chat ... locks are a pain ... damn ppl locking me and i'm clicking around like a fool
  3. The cube is not a cube (It is a barracks in the shape of a skyscraper -> ). The way it was before, was a building was attacked and the the residents were angry they were rousted out of their sleep and attacked the 'BOOM boom' noisemaker aka U :p

    or pew pew
  4. So basically it is a hornets nest is what it sounds like.... or one of those cube shaped bee hives - if only it was white and i guess the cargo it drops is honey.
  5. i have just came back after 2 years away from the game i left because of the bog awful updates the boters and cheaters for the 5 days or so i been back i been suprised not noticed 1 botter cant tell if any1 using auto lock on me so far and the updates like auction are a step in the right direction just me 2 pence worth .snails
  6. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    This may the OP's way of creating a thread for other players to waste time on. CAN A MODERATOR CLOSE THIS THREAD ALREADY. The OP has silenced himself so I'm asking.