What benefit?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by RYNO, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. RYNO

    RYNO User

    Hi everyone, what skylab xeno module do? What xeno module benefit?
  2. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    xeno module produces xenomit for producing prometium (the orange rock that you put on your engines).
  3. Hello RYNO

    Thank you Sparta[Λ] for assisting with this thread.
    Please check below quote:
    To read more click on below links:
    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  4. As an FYI, the xeno module ONLY produces enough for the Promerium refinery to operate. It never produces more than what is needed so no excess will be created to store in Skylab. It's best to just keep your xeno module upgraded to the same level as the Promerium refinery. If it is at a igher level than prom it will not produce extra and if it is less than prom it will just constrain the amount of prom skylab will produce
  5. Enjoy the game.

    Closing as lack of response from OP.
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