What happened to retriever dispatch now?

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by -=MarcVenture=-, Sep 24, 2023.

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  1. You can no longer use your dispatch pickup early.
    Its gone. The window no longer shows the button but shows a green button. The right window no longer shows the count of dispatch numbers you can collect early.
  2. What server do you play? I can pickup dispatches early just fine
  3. East1 I just clicked on the collect button with no timer or the amount of dispatch points I have on the right and it delivered.
    When I send new dispatches I click collect and get an error.

    There used to be a total on the right with time/amount of returns you had. Its empty.
  4. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    yea same with me but it shows on the r5 and r6 only