What is it

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by WarriorAngus, Aug 4, 2023.

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  1. Hi All,


    The laser LF=PX01 in this month Premium. Is that the laser that uses the Pomerium instead of Seprom?

    Then one you get if you abandoned your normal lasers to go into X-BL in Zone X-8?

  2. Oddy

    Oddy User


    P.E.T. Laser LF-PX01

    Small laser designed especially for P.E.T.s: Causes up to 280 damage points per round. HEAT levels will improve the damage output.

    - The base stats are 280 Damage, 600 units Range and 80 Hit chance.
    - With each upgrade level, there’s a bonus of 0.5%.
    - Each HEAT Level gives a Damage bonus:

    o Level 0: base stats
    o Level 1: 0.5%
    o Level 2: 1.0%
    o Level 3: 2.0%
    o Level 4: 4.0%
    o Level 5: 8.0%

    This laser can only be equipped on P.E.T. and you an get it via special sales or with a chance as a reward during Bonus GG Rewards event. You can sell it for 25,000 Credits.

    You probably mean this laser, this is the best laser currently in the game:

    Prometheus Lasers

    Bonus scatter damage200
    Bonus damage cooldown5 seconds
    Damage variance25%
    Damage multiplier vs blacklight NPC*x3.5

    *NPC include: Impluse II, Attend IX, Invoke XVI and Mindfire Behemoth
    *Obtained from completing the recipe in assembly.
    *bonus scatter damage is not affected by this multiplier.

    Required resources:

    • 75 Booty Keys
    • 200,000,000 Credits
    • 15,000 UCB-100
    • 2,500 RSB-75
    • 6,000 Rinusk
    You can get ten of these for free for doing Blacklight missions.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023