What is the point of this game ....!?

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Generalisten, Nov 12, 2024.

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  1. When you barely can fly out of the neutral zone before getting ambushed and killed within 2 seconds?

    Or when a gang of 4-5 opponents are INSIDE your spawn base looking for targets?

    Or some opponents are waiting inside the jump gate for you to fly out?

    BIG POINT must seriously considering doing MAJOR changes to this game before they once again are forced to remove even more servers because of players loss.
  2. It is very mild compared to 14 or 15 years ago when the game was at its peak. Back then there was no safe map, enemy x-1 maps were the hunting grounds for level 16 players. Jump CPU lets you jump to uppers without having to take your chances through the Bmaps.
  3. I remember the constant phrase "Is the path to the uppers clear?"
  4. to get annoyed by botters and trains getting everything you worked for the easy way, have them take your rank the easy way, have Bigpoint not do anything, and turn a blind eye to all the injustice therefore choosing the easy way out, basically to get annoyed that you re still playing since the cheats will always win.
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  5. Buiscuit

    Buiscuit User

    the bots are constantly getting all the rewards, get all the new ships, and DO do sod all, even the targets for quests are aimed at the botters, games gone down the pan big style.......................
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  6. apul777

    apul777 User

    why today game isnt working
  7. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    well, the bots do pay for prem so BP lose money short term by banning them outright. It sucks they can't see past a few shekels.
  8. whoever sets the quest targets has obviously never played the game, and bonus boxes need to be re-vamped, i mean seriously you gained 1 extra energy, what a joke.........
    Norman*Bates likes this.
  9. The rewards have been outdated since 2012. Its gotten worse as we have new items and blow through ammo like water.

    But IAC is not coming out very much and it takes a massive amount to get the new ships. You get to choose over months what you will get with the rare IAC.

    1 IAC for a quest makes it clear no one that does the rewards in game is aware of the economy in game. Regular players are not making billions in rank.

    All you have to do is look at the top players in rank the difference is striking.
  10. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    the games set up for somebody that bots 24/7, they get all the nice new ships and all the rewards from the events..... its just like DO want botters only on the game..........
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  11. There's none, game played by bots, designed for bots, designed by what feels like chat gpt and 2 interns. All content is recolored ships, missions require 99999999 aliens unironically, what is this.
  12. Lithinir

    Lithinir User

    Just have fun however you can, it's a game.
    COWBOY·FROM·HELL likes this.
  13. What is a "train"? I have read about this in other threads.

    I understand that. But getting killed 20-30 times within 1-2 hours isn´t fun.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 24, 2024