what next ? need advice .

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jackknife, May 11, 2014.

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  1. jackknife

    jackknife User

    i have a leo 7 flaxs 8 fl3
    1)what's the best setup for leo speed or shield (have bot2s & 79 shields 3 each
    2) a veng when 1 get 10 fl3s
    3) should i even buy a veng i bought before and my hits were far lower and the speed was well slow
    4) if i buy veng what are the advantages over my leo
    5) i hunt npcs yes it's slow and hard work but i like it taking on a big boss is fun
    6) if this posted in the wrong place mods please move it
    7) the best way to join a clan
    ? 8) i can't seem to put shields on my drones ....oh says the blind man shields and speed in drones are better than fl2s
    thanks all
    Last edited: May 12, 2014
  2. In a Vengi you can always run... but a Leo will hit harder in the lowers, and as a result, use less ammo..

    Eventually, you will be in uppers or pirate maps anyways, so Vengi is the longer term goal....but if you are churning out npc's in the lowers for a while, stick with Leo and Single arrow formation ( 1 mil credits, +20% more missile damage, but -3% laser damage ).

    For configs id do the same for both ships either way..

    1st, shooting config: all shields on ship, all lasers on drones ( add a shield or 2 on a drone if needed)

    2nd, running config: all speed gens on ship, all shields on drones ( add a laser or 2 on a drone as needed).

    Then just work on getting all your BO2 and LF3 in trade, as well as Irises....good luck.


    I wrote all this assuming you have all the best speed gens (the 7900's) already....If not get those first.. right now ! lol.....and ALWAYS make sure you "boost" your speed gens with promerium, the orange mineral, to go the max speed.
    _-DarkOverLord-_ and jackknife like this.
  3. I might add Premium because of how cheap it is now. They offer the specials for like
    2 or 3 bucks. Make sure you max out in your Skylab to get the credits rolling in. It helps when biding on gear.Use your saved up Uri for Bio. only. It's very important at
    this stage because your gonna need at least 36.

    Like Pie said you"ll eventually go to uppers & pirate maps.If your Premium get a Pet
    with level 3 kami and 3 resource for NPC's and pallying. Use your saved up Keys on
    Zeus day for better odds.

    I'm currently running my Veng right now and can tell once you out fit it, in the
    right hands can be a a devastating little ship. Its got about 1.4 mil shields and
    still manages to hit 28k to 34k whites and it's fast. so is my pet:cool:
    jackknife likes this.