What should i buy with 100k uri?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Shooter369, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Shooter369

    Shooter369 User

    Just wondering what i should buy as im not sure, i was either thinking 2nd hangar and spearhead or something, or logdisks

    I have 4 LF4, 28 LF3, 18 BO2 (Basicly enough to fully equip a vengie which i always fly) 19 PP's ( 86/183 for next one) iris are upgraded to level 7, also 1 havoc.

    Got no formations except credit ones. Also ive got a pet, lvl 8 with level 2 auto recourse collector.

    What do you think i should use this uri for?

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Spearhead- Personally, a spearhead would be a down grade from a vengeance

    2nd Hanger- Do you palli a lot? If you do, then definitely get a second hanger, then park that ship in 5-2 base

    Formations- Do you farm or hunt mostly? If you farm, the get the diamond formation. If you hunt, then get heart formation or something that helps with battle (also depends on if you like to run suicide or not)

    PET- Once again, if you palli, then get a couple of level 3 radar protocols, so that your pet will go father with the collector. That being said, get a level 3 collector also.

    You can choose your luck with the gate spins.

    Or, you can continue to work on your bio.
    chixonator likes this.
  3. chixonator

    chixonator User

    pretty much what i would say, but you could save for an aegis, build kappas and zetas for hercs, havocs, lf4s, etc.. definitely get a pet but dont buy any gears or protocols until its lvl 8 so you can get the lvl 3 stuff, if you like to hunt get moth, diamond formation is a must have + its helps with solo cubing if you ever get an aegis and like @cooljak96 said get a second hanger to.
    id say you will eventually need all of these things in the future though.