when will D.O. learn?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by £ôśţ✪Ĉâüŝє, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. When will DO learn that the majority of players want to have a good, honest, experience with this game? The bug and glitch abusers remain, along with auto-lockers and ammo changers. They, the cheater's, could careless about their account as is proven by there use of bugs, glitches and programs. So why are they still around? I for one believe the only players being targeted for ban's are those that are taking from DO with bot or palli picking programs. Yes, I am happy they are being removed, but the real players need to see action taken against PvP cheater's. The PvP cheaters are a real problem for the future of this game. I have seen several players claim in the forums that they have sent and reported to support bugs and glitches, and those reported bug's and glitches are never acted on nor are the users punished. It is time to put this to bed DO, act against all the cheater's.
  2. I'm pretty sure battle cheats are offline except for 1 programm but I'm sure its very detectable, and only pixel-bot exists. So battle cheats don't exist ATM
  3. me too i have long long time to see autolock in pvp where i am all time