Why does my pet keep on getting palladium stolen

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ghø$t, Apr 4, 2014.

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  1. Ghø$t

    Ghø$t User

    Hey guys do you know why my pet keeps on getting palla stolen from. I currently have a pet with lv 1 collecter and 3 lv1 radars. Everytime my pet meets another pet that pet always steals my palla. I am currently flying a fully prommed vengie. After this happened for a while im gettin really frustrated.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2014
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    It is a known problem that has happened for a while, your PET is supposed to go at the same speed as your ship, but they all seem to go at the same speed. Also good to mention, it doesn't matter how many radars or collectors you have, what ever PET gets to it first get's the palli (or that's how it's supposed to work).
  3. P.E.T. travels as fast as the ship U R flying. Spearhead - Vengi - Gooooaaaallllllith = in that order as 2 speed 2 'said' palli. If U flying anything
  4. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    If there are several players collecting palladium, the frequency of this happening increases. When I would have that problem, as 2 or more P.E.T.s would sync up and go after the same piece, I would deactivate my P.E.T. and move to another area. You can also try as yellowsubmarine has suggested and use a spearhead, which will make you P.E.T. move a bit faster, but in high density fields it may not make much difference as the P.E.T.s will likely sync up and there will not be enough room between the rocks to make much difference with speed.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?

    Best regards,
  5. Ghø$t

    Ghø$t User

    I currently am flying a full speed prommed vengie and a ton of goli and aegis pilots pet always steal from mine even if my pet reaches the palli first.
  6. Hello Ghø$t

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Many people in palladium field are fully equipped and they mostly have their ship loaded with Radar protocols (level 3) and auto resources collector (level 3) and also which ever P.E.T reaches palladium first it collects it, sometimes you might think that your P.E.T reached first but in reality someone else P.E.T might reach before your P.E.T and collect the same.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  7. Ghø$t

    Ghø$t User

    I still have one more question. As I said above I am a fully prommed venge so therefore i am faster than goli and aegis, so my pet is faster than theres, so its more likely that my pet will reach the palli first. And my pet always does and even if it does there pet always steals it from mine. Ive never had my pet steal palli from anyone before.
  8. Hello Ghø$t

    The P.E.T which reaches first for the palladium will eventually pick that up. Also your P.E.T will not pick up the palladium every time if it reaches to it after someone's P.E.T already collected it. I would suggest you to find a spot where there are less number of ships, so there is less competition amongst P.E.T for collecting palladium.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  9. Ghø$t

    Ghø$t User

    My pet always reaches the palli first so how come it always losses it then?
  10. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I would suggest that your pet is not always reaching the palli first. If you follow your pet when this is happening you will see that your pet will attempt to pick up palli even when another pet or player is already picking it up. Also you may have lag that is making it look like you pet is getting to the palli first.

    Your pet will normally go to the next closes palli the same as any other pet that is attempting to pick up the same palli.

    I use to work out which palli a pet would attempt to pick up next and continuously pick up the palli that the pet would then try to pick up.

    All you can do is get your pet to move away from where it is so it can start picking up different palli.
  11. Ghø$t

    Ghø$t User

    Ok thanks for all the answers you can close now.
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