Why you'd choose your company in beginning ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ●»LØØПIξ•TЦПξ$™«●, Aug 21, 2014.

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  1. i pick mmo because it was first there didn't read anything haha
  2. WElllllll

    Back in 2007. EIC was dabest.

    So I picked EIC.

    No just kidding VRU was the best for Global America 1 at the time. I picked EIC because I like blue.
  3. I chose VRU at first because I had opened a previous account on it a very long time ago that i abandoned after a week.

    I then switched to EIC after (I'm not joking) I was chased across 3-3 by an EIC goli and barely survived. After our game of 'tag', we spoke and I said 'good fight' and then eventually moved to EIC to form a clan with him.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2014
  4. And you lived happily ever after, THE END!