Winter Calendar

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by Larrakin, Dec 1, 2022.

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  1. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    Where can I find this Winter Calendar?

    I see what's left of the Thanksgiving calendar and the pay for it monthly calendar but no sign of a winter one...

    Current server time - 2.21am 01/12/2022

    Current Server Time - 2.54am 02/12/2022 - Still no Winter calendar..

    Mods, You found the time to move the thread to the apporpriate section, think you could clarify when this Winter Calendar is actually due to be available?

    Oh, my bad - This isn't anything more than the normal calendar. There is no "Winter Calendar" - It's just the normal calendar with a couple of frost skins as the last "Reward".
    Sure, there might be a couple of people who don't have Frost Cyborg and the Mimesis Forst design, lets scream and shout - over a skin for one of the least used ships.

    Sadly I have both of these skins - What do I get instead?
    Right - Nothing...

    Hey DO, it really is Xmas - Do something for all those who have bothered to support you for all these years, instead of renaming something you get 12 months a year and "pretending it's "special".

    As of 2 weeks ago it's 12 years since I first played DO and a design I already have is the best they can do and call it a "Special Calendar" for Xmas??
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 2, 2022
  2. PacificNW

    PacificNW User


    the winter (christmas) calendar should have been more "rewarding"

  3. Excessive

    Excessive User

    DO don't make money giving "rewards" in calendar.
    They'd rather you pay for something than reward player loyalty.

    Pay for premium and get nothing from calendar on day 25 - Merry Xmas, suckers.
  4. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    lol what a joke, more of an insult to the players