Winter Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Dec 18, 2023.

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  1. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    entire event owned and operated by BOTS.... including contest winner and skol killings... BOT programs i guess now include instant tracking of synk map appearance... and skol tracking
  2. 1taffy1

    1taffy1 User

    An hour and fifteen minutes have gone by, and the synk hasn't spawned once.
    So much for the last round of this disappointing.

    Synk didn't spawn once during this last round.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 4, 2024
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  3. it's a technicality. The whole event was from early morning for quite a few hours,.. then 5pm to 7pm,.. then 9pm to 11pm

    That extra time is probably so you can cash in your Battle Pass Keys, which I just did.

    As for the Sync,.. it was in Bootes Map 2 the whole time. I pretty much had a Map 4 to myself for an hour and a half. I don't think anyone went chasing after it. I just wanted to make Uri.

    I think if anything, nobody wanted to go chasing it, had better things to do than the Maze or they guy who shot down 200 of the things didn't want to Push his Luck!
  4. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    i deemed it waste of time as the bots took over i was on one day and saw a player aquire 30 syncs in one session got fed up seeing him get them ,i spent all the time trying to get to syncs only to find a bot get there witthin a min and killed it b4 i got to a portal to jump ,leads me to believe someone has a programme to guide them to sync as i said waste of time in the end
    IRON-THRONE and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  5. The amount of players parked on the 1-1 gate all day was amusing.

    Not funny was the very well known ships 'evading like delta gate aliens' killing Ice meteors. You would jump maps to get away from them and here are 4 more. Always in speed config hitting like trucks. I shot a super icey with a pusat who hit it 6 times and gone.

    Really makes the event lose its fun parts.
    IRON-THRONE likes this.
  6. 9KKO

    9KKO User

    Event was good fun, but I agree with the fact that the botters ruined it. Botters should not be able to participate on events, as they completely ruin the fun for us humans enjoying the game. I get that the game need a certain amount of bots to not seem completely barren, as the few normal players dont play the game 24/7 and do so in different timezones. But when it comes to events most human players join in and should be allowed to enjoy the full aspect of the game, not be left with tiny crumbs that offer no satisfaction. There should be a way to report the worst bots that devastates the enjoyment, or atleast do something about the bots that ruin monthly events because I don't think anyone will stay with this game as it is now..
    IRON-THRONE likes this.
  7. This shows that DO is unwilling to stop/remove botters entirely for good, it has to be deeper and really inside.
    If there was a real desire, it would have been done a long time ago. This clearly feeds quite a group knowingly. :mad:
  8. Its been made clear to us how the company feels about outside apps.

    The answer 10 years ago was it was a browser based game and cheating/outside apps were impossible.
    Over time we got to see the things used by 'outside apps' become part of the game but not as good as what the outside apps offered for 'free'.

    Personally I want the combat ability to jump all around so you cannot lock them. I also would like to be able to set my ship in a gate and have it done and get all the bonuses like others do. Not the way we get none of the bonuses using the 'approved app'
  9. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Closing the event feedback page as the event is now over, thanks for providing your input. Feedback is being gathered and sent up to the game team this week.

    TermiteFan likes this.
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