Winter Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Dec 18, 2024.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Winter Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. Th3-T3rroR

    Th3-T3rroR User

    In the Faq stays from 21 to 23 oclock (4 hours) but thats only 2 hours...
    Seraphim likes this.
  3. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Frost Holo from Synk again...

    2024 - Frost Holo
    2023 - Frost Holo
    2022 - Frost Holo
    2021 - Frost Zephyr


    All the lasers are now gamble-only (bp boxes). They replaced the dev that worked on prom lasers and made them craftable with the devil himself, right in time for Christmas. Happy Hanukkah :S
  4. Frozen gg is a bit too crowded, good thing there are lots of modules, sad part is this battle pass is without asmodeus or odysseus laser.
  5. 1taffy1

    1taffy1 User

    Please do something about the auto-locking botters in the Frozen Labyrinth. It's difficult to get keys if you can't shoot NPCs. Well, you can't get keys if they're hogging all the aliens. It's nearly impossible to get keys because of the AFK auto-locking warriors! They're wiping them out. I'm talking GONE.
    Please send mods or something into the labyrinth to get these players. It's not fair to those of us with integrity.
    Thank you!

    As in past years, keys are at a premium. You can't purchase a huge lot of them, the boxes and NPC's, if you can get one, are stingy, and
    I don't see the ability to craft them like in the past.
    The Respawn clock still isn't counting down like it used to.
    The Iceterion mines are blowing out the HP when you're well past the wake.
    Blah, blah, blah, same old stuff as last year, the year before and the year before. Nobody does anything to fix or improve things.
    @Malaikat - why are you even asking for feedback when nothing ever changes because of it?
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2024
    ♥SPΔCΞMΔΝ♥ likes this.
  6. In the current event they would have put the galactic door of the frozen labyrinth, the tone of the client of the year 2010 would have been great

    Links are not permitted and therefore, removed
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2024
  7. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    The event boxes inside the gate have always been quite rubbish and ought to be better.
  8. **Owl**

    **Owl** User

    another pointless event unless your botting.
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  9. I've made over 300k uri in less than 2 hrs. Would be a lot more if there werent so many leechers.
    Seraphim likes this.
  10. 1taffy1

    1taffy1 User

    Where are all the keys?????
    Someone forgot to load the Frozen Labyrinth keys!
    I've been shooting what few aliens I can target before the auto-locking botters get them for over an hour and haven't gotten ONE key. NOT. ONE.
    And there hasn't been one booty box on this map. NOT ONE.
    How am I supposed to go map to map to get the synk if there are no
    bleeping keys? And how do I get back all my wasted ammo from shooting
    aliens you forgot to load up with keys.
    But at least the useless SR-5 rockets are still coming. I have over 11k of them from past events. But I'm guessing I haven't even come close to gathering as many keys over the years.
    If you're not going to do something about the auto-locking bots, at least load up the keys!
    FIX THIS!!!!!
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 5, 2025
  11. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    I have 300+ keys from casually doing the labyrinth for 1-2hrs a day. No idea what that guy is on about. It's easy as pie to get keys. Boxes also give keys.
  12. Just an event full of botters, the team does nothing against them
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  13. AVIT

    AVIT User

    hardly any key drops ,and hardly any npc also ,super meteroid is non existent now also .. yet again event ruined by bots .

    Thanks ,,there's more npc now and keys ... i want more super meteoroids though . haha
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 25, 2024
  14. 1taffy1

    1taffy1 User

    For you it may be easy as pie, but for others, it isn't. Your experience isn't everyone's experience.
    I'm not in the labyrinth to farm rewards, I'm there to chase the synk, which requires keys. I don't have time to spend endless hours shooting NPC's. My time frame is three minutes long between spawns. I highly doubt if you had to do this three minutes at a time, praying for that 1 IM you can shoot to give you two keys, you might have a different perspective.

    I'm crushed. It's Christmas day and traditionally, DO has Christmas present booty boxes. I haven't found a single one. And the cargo boxes used to be decorated with candy canes. Did someone forget? Wow. This is the first time since I started playing there weren't present booty boxes. Unbelievable. Seriously, I feel so cheated on this.
    @Malaikat Where are the christmas booty boxes? For real?

    Here's some positive feedback, because I feel it's only right to give credit where credit is due:

    After three or four years of asking this to be fixed, for the first time in years, the respawn clock in the synk icon finally
    started counting down again between spawns. It's helpful to know exactly when the next synk will spawn in case you need
    to take a quick break to grab a drink and a snack. Here's hoping it continues to work for the remaining bouts.

    Now if DO would please do something about the Iceterion mines draining HP when you're well past the blast zone, the auto-locker AFK warriors, and update the title, like add a year at the end of Elite Marksman, that'd be great. But small steps, I guess.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 26, 2024
  15. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Skill issue, lol. You must be the only one struggling. You've got bigger issues than Synk if you can't even get a key to leave the home map.

    I can easily farm 5-10 keys in under 3 minutes. Had no problems doing that with a barely FE ship last December, too.

    Those were replaced with birthday event boxes and you should have read the FAQ to know when they were on. They were never booty boxes. They're bonus boxes.

    That's the Halloween cargo boxes, for whatever reason.

    This is likely lag. The blast radius isn't broken.
  16. you do know that it depends on the server and how populated it is ?gb 1 ( now ge5 is dead as hell ) so of course you'll get keys easily. try that on mx1, ga1, ga2 etc. it's full of bots, if the first map you jump is is full of bots, you wont get them that quickly. how are yall so narrow-sighted?
    1taffy1 likes this.
  17. I personally like things. The whole month is filled with constantly changing situations and interesting challenges. Of course, there will be capricious and dissatisfied pilots, but more often they are satisfied but grumbling.
  18. I do not like the closing of the gate throughout the day and at 10 pm at night.

    This is just another thing to collectively punish the minority of us non-cheating players for the 99% of cheating players that the far left at little pointless refuse to do anything about.

    It is akin to the useless mayor of London being a complete and utter failure on EVERYTHING - especially crime, and then rewarding him with a knighthood given his hatred and criticism of all things British Empire - little pointless continues to heavily reward the cheaters.

    You know who cheats, you know they steal the uri for the battlepass, you know they cheat and steal their way through objectives of every pve event, so the logical solution is to deny them access to pve events - especially event gates - problem solved - no cheating and stealing their way through the objectives, then those of us who have higher standards and better morals and values can benefit from greater rewards, better original rewards before they were nerfed due to the failure to deal with the cheating, while us non-cheaters have full access to the labyrinth all day long to suit our individual schedules.

    But then this would require the far left at big point to have the same higher standards and better morals and values as us non-cheating players, but I will not be holding my breath on that as the revenue earned from what cheating players spend is more important given that you drove out 99% of your core customers and frequent regular small spenders.

    It is why nothing in this game is worth the excessive high value that little pointless puts on on such things when you blatantly allow 99% of the players to cheat and steal their way through and to everything, and permanently obtain and unfair advantage in every way possible.

    I have limited time to play this game as it is, it's called having an awesome career, brilliant social and saucy activities life. Concepts that are lost on a lot of people.

    Prior to this event starting and during the first few days taking me to Christmas eve, I had very little time to play as I had to be in the studio getting remixes done for mid to end of Jan releases which have to go to the artist/label for hearings and approval etc. beforehand.

    Not all of us have the luxury of free time to play this game all day every day. Some of us still have work and no matter the time of year, we still have work to do.

    For example, today, I have a couple of hours spare right now to play the game, 1-3 pm, but Frozen Lab is now closed for three hours.

    The bots will still be flying around in there destroying what is left until things stop spawning or they sit at a port not able to jump into another map and then get popped by mines, then sit at the port in 1-1 until it opens again.

    Instead of being able to complete certain outstanding objectives that 100% of the cheating players completed in the first day or two with their lab botting, I will not complete these objectives because I will be back in the studio tomorrow morning and early afternoon. Hitting the gym late afternoon, showering, eating and then seeing a female for some saucy fun - because yes, I do have better things to do than play bot orbit.

    I generally like the labyrinth, the objectives are ok, but only doable if you have the time, which this year, due to lab closures combined with my studio schedule and personal life schedule, I did not have the time while the cheaters have all the time in the world because they're not online playing the game so they are not affected by the labyrinth being closed because their programs will be back in every time it reopens - just like other event gates.

    Those of us who still have to work, have other commitments on the evenings whether it be family and friends, meeting up etc., especially in the run up to Christmas, we have even less time available to be in the labyrinth.

    Of course, before going to bed, I could have been in the labyrinth for 30 minutes here, an hour there, some of these nights, but it closes at 10 pm on the server I play so there was no ability to do this.

    The labyrinth could have at least been open until midnight on the server I play, UK time, affording me the ability to jump in for 3 minutes etc. here and there.

    As always little pointless is punishing the non-cheating players while the cheating players never get punished and are heavily pandered to and rewarded. There's nothing like the far left system of being rewarded for failure and cheating. :(

    It is why my passion for this game has dwindled significantly now to the point that I am contemplating is it even worth continuing with this game when nothing will ever change.