Winterfest 2012

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Winterfest 2012 Daily Quests and Achievements

    Winterfest 2012.gif

    So first things first: Winterfest 2012 will be running from Saturday, 01st of December until Monday 31st of December of 2012. We will be having special events every day, special NPCs, Boxes, Wiz rockets and much more.

    There will be Event schedules posted regularly.

    Also we will be having special Winterfest Daily quests!

    These special quests work sort of like a quest line:

    • There will be two Daily Special Quests every day on top of the regular Daily Quests.

    • The Daily Special Quests will be available in the quest giver station.

    • Each Daily Special Quest is only available on 1 specific day!

    • In order to be able to play these quests you must be at least level 3.

    • When you accepts a Daily Special Quest you have 24 hours to finish this quest. These 24h are running in real time.

    • The two Daily Special Quests will always have one easy quest that everybody can finish and a more challenging hard version that will be a little more tricky.

    • Every Sunday in December these Quests will be even better and can only be acquired by doing the Daily Special Quests in the week before. Plus there will be two Super Final Quests in the end of the event on December 31st!

    • In order to get the Sunday Special Quests you will need to do 5 out of 6 Daily Special Quests. So if you miss out on 1 Daily Special Quest and complete all other in that week you will still get the Sunday Special Quest. • In order to get the easy Sunday Special Quest you will need to successfully complete 5 out of 6 low level Daily Special Quests of that week.

    • In order to get the hard Sunday Special Quest you will need to successfully complete 5 out of 6 high level Daily Special Quests of that week.

    • The two Super Final Quests that are handed out on the 31st of December work in a similar way, except that the completion of the Sunday Special Quests is the condition. You need 3 out of 4 in order to get these Quests. • When you have received and completed 3 Sunday easy Quests you will get the easy final quest.

    • When you have received and completed 3 Sunday hard Quests you will get the hard final quest.

    • Only in the first week you need to complete 5 out of 8 Quests since the Saturday and Sunday are kind of a warm up.

    So in short:

    · Two Daily Special Quests every day. One easy quest, one hard quest.

    · Every Sunday a Sunday Special Quest. One easy quest, one hard quest. You need to do 5 out of 6 Daily Special Quests to unlock the Special Sunday Quests.

    · Two Super Final Quests on December 31st. One easy quest, one hard quest. You need to do 3 Sunday easy quests for the easy version of the Super Final Quests, and 3 Sunday hard quests for the hard version of the Super Final Quests.

    · The first quests on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd are counting towards the 5 quests that are needed for the Sunday quest on the 9th. That means that you have basically 8 quests to choose from to get to the needed 5 quests done to unlock the Sunday Special quest.

    Thank you to PirateHunter for the creation of this thread.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
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