wont receving newsletter emails

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -AXE-ALAM-_-»PAK«, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. i have 2 problems..

    1. i havent received the message of hades gate on my email.. and my newsletter is on...

    2. i have done almost 7 epsilon gates.. from 1st gate i receved lf-4.. rest of the 6 gates didnt received lf-4... plz put a script or something of getting a lf-4 after 4 or 5 gates... this thing annying me veery much do nr 6 EPSILON gates no lf4
  2. Daedalus

    Daedalus User

    I also had the newsletter on and didn't recieve any code on my e-mail. I contacted support and they said:
    1. Verify Email
    2. Subscribe to the newsletter
    3. Don’t blacklist your Email or put BP mails on a spam filter
    4. Have logged in the account within the past 30 days

    Apperantly, it showed that I had my newsletter on, but it wasn't so I re-enabled it. After than I contacted support again and I was given 500 GGE because I already had Hades built.

    And getting stuff from gates is all about luck, took me 40 zeta to get 10 havoc... Hercules on the other hand came a lot easier.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you very much for assisting this player with their issue, However we would recommend that anyone that has an email/newsletter issue contact support for further assistance.

    Thank you and have a lovely day!
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