Worst event ever

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Waspkiller98, Nov 21, 2014.

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  1. Sorry But i say this because the amount of childish people ingame. They hog the objective and we dont get nothingh because The most powerful clans Decide to hogg it and one speciflcy said This event is (clan name) exclusive
    I apoligize for any conveinces this has caused anyone.

    They are gunna be getting stronger while The noobs cant Get some good stuff in
    I was excited about the event when boom booom boom over and over and over Farming me for their kill counts. PLease darkorbit Give us something better Than this There is childish players when cm is not on and they spammed caps all night long and even some Bulling is happening in the game. Im sorry, But The reason this is the worst event is because us noobs have no chance I hope U guys can prevent this from happening because for myself Alot of negative comments has been directed toward me For sticking up for myself. Then they say ruthless comments that makes someone wanna Grab their neck from the other screen because they know cm isnt there. when these events come live You guys don't think about the hogging situation. Which means the chat will be more chaotic and more Stress on the Le Git players. If u want to make this event fair if anyone shoots the Thing We get like a havoc or a lf4 chance but u can only get 1 of these items per day.
    Make the game fairer for the noobs, not make more Situations where people LEave your game because theres so much disadifcation in the game. I have evidence posted on a notepad.txt(part of the problem that happens on a daily bases) doc If any admin wants to see it let me know ill pm them here or send to support.
  2. Apart from the hackers and all, this game is fair. This isn't your average "Free-play-to-Win" game (unfortunately DX)
    This game is a Pay 2 Win. If you don't pay, you won't get far fast.
    reboog21 likes this.
  3. Alky-jr

    Alky-jr User

    on gb2 its a diffent story its a small server and most of the time the companys work together during events like this but you get the odd rouge lol
  4. Even on USA West, companies work together on certain events, but always have those one or two people that decide to just pop anyone that is red >.>
  5. Yeap this is just sad.

    They should make these events so that they spawn in each companys x-1 map where players can't shoot each other. You are killing this game BigPoint. One friend who just got his motivation did quit again this morning when one massive clan wanted to keep everything for themselves.
  6. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General


    Although there are many aspects of the game that can be controlled, the actions of users is not one of them. It is very unfortunate that sometimes there are individuals who feel the need to act differently during certain events, but it isn't up to me or the developers to tell them how to play the game once they have agreed the Terms and Conditions.

    Over the past year or so the game has moved towards creating a better start for new players. The quest system was revamped, new players start with better equipment than ever before and also the auction refunds credits. These are a few of the things that can be done to help new users, but we still cannot control the user itself.

    I understand that you may be dissatisfied with this event based on the actions of a few individuals or clans, however to put it bluntly this is still a Player vs. Player game and the developers are not going to spawn event NPC's in a demilitarized map otherwise every other map would be empty.

    On a side-note, if you do have any comments from chat that may be deemed to be breaking the chat rules then please send them to support and they will be able to review them and deal with them for you.

  7. Ddraig, Yes it is a player vs player game but When you do these events Do them on x1 maps or make a noob system to where nobody cant shoot u at a certain level. I have a bunch of ideas u guys can use but the question is will it be taken In advice?
    This game is good But It can Be better! This game doesnt indroduce its full potentail to darkorbit. I loved the Begining map where u get taught how to shoot. Now noobs are on chat asking how do i shoot! lol, Do would be a better place with more noob protection

    And theres some ruthless People who dont care about anyone. ufes pops noobs in 1 shot wirthout them defending.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 23, 2014
  8. Thank you! For actually giving information about suggestions and how develpers feel about them, more of this please :)

    But still - PvP game or not, it is not uncommon for other PvP games to have PvE events. I am not saying DarkOrbit must do as otherrs do but I am saying if it does work elsewhere why would it not work here? After the event other maps would be full, it is not that horrible if for one week half of the day people are at safe map... Game would be alive next week when people will use their earned uri at PvP.
  9. Yes this is exactly the reason this game is dyeing. It only takes one UFE to pop every newb clan that try to participate in these events and if the newbs fight back the UFE gets help from other UFE. Think on how the newb feels when there an UFE bragging about 100+ LF-4s and they cannot even try to take part in an event that drops them because an UFE wants to see I guess the game die. If newbs cannot progress in game because you support bullying yes that's what's happening how long until the newb quits? Years ago there was thousands of players on my server no one cared about CMS for chat to busy looking for all them red dots now all you got is a bunch of bully's, cross fraction clans, and those newbs that were full elite that are too stubborn to quit ((YET)) like me. Please include the newbs in these events all this event is is a kill count generator for the bully's infesting the servers
  10. i think yall miss the point this IS a pvp game ..if companies work together great if not oh well go play farmville
  11. Years ago it was a PVP game but now for a UFE its about the equivalent of Farmville for them :)
    (BOSS)Adam[FFK], Tarron and jackknife like this.
  12. We pretty much have the same thing on GA1 but i usually got kills either way, cause no one bothers to shit bigger players or else they end up losing out on the event when they target you the rest of the day. Most of the time VRU controls it, but VRU is still full of bad players, this game is mostly bad players, just be better then them and they wont bother you on an Event npc.
    (BOSS)Adam[FFK] likes this.
  13. BestLady

    BestLady User

    r u serious? newbies wanna get tons of exp or uri? 50 uri for newbie quest. woohoooooooo i will finish 20 more quests and get my first lf3... lol!!!!!
    (BOSS)Adam[FFK] and Tarron like this.
  14. jackknife

    jackknife User

    You do get some help but then it the game turns to farmville for uFe and new players are the turnips
    (BOSS)Adam[FFK] likes this.
  15. ...KIDZ...

    ...KIDZ... User

    NOOO THATS MY LF3!!!!!
    (BOSS)Adam[FFK] likes this.
  16. Cry cry, quit quit, old quests were better, Farmville has more PvP then Darkorbit, every event sucks so not surprising, tada and closed.
  17. Hmm then pls explain why they want to revamp the Low gate and cut the battleray from being farmed. Seems your statement is jumping on both sides of the street.

    But to the OP yes it sucks when the guys prevent you from advancing because your not strong enough. In the past they made events leveled so all players got a equal chance to reap the rewards, like invasion , Bday gate and what not. But there becomes a time where that has to be thrown out the window. Would it be fair for a guy that has spent 3 years building and you come along and spend a few months doing the same and becoming more advanced then him because things where just handed to you. No it wouldnt be fair. He would feel like he wasted his time and you would have a ship you wouldnt know how to use right. It takes more then a ship to be a good player, you have to know how to use it and all of the equipment, and ammo. And that my friend only happens with practice. And of course popping.
  18. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hello all,

    It appears that this thread has been derailed and has gone off-topic within regards to the original post (regarding the event). Therefore i am going to close this thread and request that if you have any feedback on this event, the best place to put this will be in the latest
    >>November Dev Blog Feedback Thread<<.

    Alternatively if you think there should be new events aimed specifically at new players, then you could also suggest some ideas in the
    >>Update and Idea Pool<<.

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