Xenomit and ACM-1 Mines in Auction

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ₪C0W₪T!PP3R₪, Sep 29, 2014.

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  1. I am a big fan of this new auction system, but I don't see why the mines were cut down.

    In the old auction system, if you won the mine bid, you won 50 mines, which is enough for 5 insta-shields or smart-bombs, and I would rightly lose bids for 10-12mil creds sometimes, because 50 mines were worth it. But now, you only win 10, and it's too hard to get enough to have them all the time.

    And another thing-- the xenomit has always been too low. Whether I want to bid on it or buy with uri, I need to do this TEN TIMES to have enough for ONE insta-shield or smart bomb. It SHOULD give 100 xenomit to at least be enough for one bomb, or match it up with the mines so a winning xenomit and mine bid gives 5 shields or bombs.

    I don't think anyone on this game is buying mines. People are either spinning gates, or winning mine bids. Either way is a way to stay competitive and equipped. Not sure why this was ever changed but please change the mines back (and increase the xeno).
    heimdall2012 likes this.
  2. +1 from me.
    I would go mad crazy on getting the mines once they remove the ammo limits, as I can only get mines from GG spins xD
  3. I hear your point, and the mine thing is an issue. However I have to disagree with bidding on xeno in the sense you should receive more. You have a skylab that produces it, upgrade it, upgrade storage, and you will have more than enough xeno. But the mine thing... i agree, it should not have been cut.
  4. Shhh, they may make it to where xeno counts as cargo, shhhh.
    Jkjk, but yea, I agree, wish you could produce Xeno in skylab and be able to ship a max of your ship's empty cargo space and add on to the existing Xeno in your ship.
  5. And mines are not rockets - that where they are grouped up in.
    _-DarkOverLord-_ and KilerStreak like this.
  6. The skylab doesn't create any actual xenomit, just a 'xeno' substitute that can only be used for refining promerium and seprom in the lab. To get actual xenomit, the only ways are to scavenge them from NPC's, spin them on the galaxy gate generator or (the least well-known way), but them from auction.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  7. im sorry to interupt thread but i have a related question my skylab is maxed out 20th lvl all modules and i cannot get any zeno out of it for the aim cpu etc.. did i misunderstand your post?
    Also there is no zeno in storage ever unless i transfer from ship which is no longer possible
    is there a glitch in my skylab?
  8. thnx for the clarification much appreciated
  9. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

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