You don't matter.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Okapi32, Mar 26, 2015.

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  1. -uberpaul- and LEON... like this.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    All talk until we see change.
    It's still completely unacceptable for one group of servers to get item such as a unique design that is not even similar to anything else in the game, before other servers. We haven't even been told when other servers will get it. I would love for a Pusat to win JPA before other servers can use it, that would be just great.

    Sounds like a scrambled effort for excuses, it was still kept quiet to non-Turkish users until enough of us became aware of it. I was still banned from their facebook and ignored on their twitter for bringing it up initially.

    They can't even come into the forums and address it themselves.
  3. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Its really bad, they say they will add it to other servers but its like bots lmao, they said they will remove em but 2-3 years too late lmao like okapi said, its all talk
  4. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    We're watching the thread closely, but at this time leaving it open. I assure you, this thread is a little hard to miss ;)

    Thus far, we don't really have much info on all this either, or at the least, not the answers being looked for here. So we passed the thread up higher as this is a growing concern within the community (especially now). The only real information we have about all this at this time is the OA that went up a short bit ago as cited by Darkomaani. above.

    For any further information at this point I think all we could really ask is for your patience in the meantime. I know that's not quite the response being asked for right now, but it is what we have just now.

    We aren't looking to just shut the thread down at this time, though if this goes completely off rails we may well have to. Right now we're hoping it doesn't come to that before we might have anything more for you all.

    Thanks & regards,
    LEON... likes this.
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Honestly Solid_Eye, since most of the other language teams closed it - one team even suggesting it was a conspiracy and nothing that was mentioned was actually happening - I think the fact that this post stayed open for longer than 24 hours says a lot of good things about the English team.

    The anger against "the team" in this case is very much directed at the developers as far as I'm aware, not yourselves at the moderation team. Thank-you very much for having forwarded on our concerns.
  6. `Luke

    `Luke User

    You've only addressed the issue about JPA, sure, bigpoint will monitor it, great.
    What about the other issues that Okapi32 brought up, the part where Turkish players receive good events more often, and about them actually having give-a-ways that no other server does either.
    I, and I am sure everyone else would love to be on the server that is treated well like the Turkish server
    People are upset because they are stuck on the servers that are being neglected in comparison to the Turkish servers.
    -uberpaul- and ronz like this.
  7. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Nothing in that post addresses cost of uridium

    We British users have been ripped off for years and only thing Big Point was doing about it is to try and increase cost to us once pound fell against euro mention of years they have been ripping us off when pound was stronger then euro...

    That is rubbish ,GDP has nothing to do with anything

    You have countries like Albania/Bosnia/Egypt and many others that can only dream about German GDP and are paying same or even more than Germans....

    Why is uridium so cheap for Venezuela when players from Zimbabve pay in US dollars ....if they were to pay in local currency UFE would cost them as much as pack of chewing gums costs in UK
    ...don't forget that everybody in Zimbabve is trillionaire ...with egg costing 7 000 000 000
    ronz and Silviu like this.
  8. Maybe this explains too why a certain well-known account sharer from Turkey got his account back from Banned Camp.
    ♛ZΞЯØ♛ likes this.


    The short explenation we've been given is laughable...
    The fact darkorbit sees potential in the turkish community and built an office in Istanbul while they shut the office in California down, does not mean they have to stop taking care of other servers, but that's what it has come down to. This carelessness is now bearing it's fruits and on US east 1 we have about 20 people to a maximum of 150 people being logged in the game.
    It's like being stuck on a island and we've seen all of it and the more time passes there's less and less of us remaining and even though everyone is hoping for something, nothing is happening except for a few repititions of certain events which are getting old by now...and it is getting very boring on this island...
    Enough about the island theory lol. Darkorbit has left us in the dark about their future plans and didn't seem to have any intentions yet nor any time soon to involve us in what they are actually doing and in the mean time we're waiting to see any signs of life, I guess DO pushed their luck and couldn't hide who their taking priority on, after releasing yet another design that is so far only going to be available for the turkish community.
    Working on 7 servers and not taking care of the other 50 servers will leave it's mark and will yet be another problem we'll be looking back at.
    No...[removed] has nothing to do with any of this only because he's turkish, he got a 2 month ban and was unbanned after. He plays east 1 and thus gets threated like the rest of us, like a player of secondary importance.
  10. Okapi32 I'm now convinced you're not a undercover DO agent lolz.;) Good work.
    I'm starting to wonder how many other DO conspiracies that maybe need to be aired
  11. croWcr0

    croWcr0 User

    Me myself I appreciate that the Team hasn't close this thread.

    Now the problem is not that Turkish people are getting, low cost for uri, better deals, better maintenance of their servers, and the updates first that us.. We are fine with them getting those prices and those deals we have nothing against that.
    The problem is that we, all the other servers don't get the same as them... We want equality, we want the same deals, everyone should be treated equal if not that's an advantage for them over us.

    We would like to see BP treating us the same as Turkish players.
    Thank you.
  12. We all know ranting does nothing. We've been doing it for years, and they just brush us off. Nothing ever gets done, we've been stuck with the same boring crap for so long, all while the turkish servers are getting it good. Also, i doubt a turkish player will win JP, because i've listened to a few players go to turkish servers and thrash around it's players, doubt they have the skill it win jp.
    Lets all look at how terrible events have gotten over the past few years.
    Christmas, one year was basically skipped. Missions blow, boxes blow, rewards blow.
    Halloween, boxes blow, missions blow, npcs blow.
    Easter, 100% now blows, time of boxes lowers, rewards in boxes lowered.
    Is there really any need to continue on about it? Didn't think so.
    The only entertaining in game event there really was, was scoremageddon, but DO can't figure out how to stop pushing, so the event is gone. Was the only PvP event you could have a chance in since you could kill whoever for reward, and not have to constantly run into the same people, whether magic user or not.
  13. Agreed, Out of everything that DO/BP has done to us over the last 2 or 3 yrs I'm finding this pretty hard to handle. If
    they don't get a handle on this quick people would start to think they just like the cheaters in this game or even worseo_O
    Man I wish we could be in UFE Kronos styled ships fighting enemies in galaxies far far away:( like the Turkish server.
  14. If I move to turkey can i get free things, cheaper uri, more events, more powerful ships and exclusive designs?

    I'm hungry for a good kebab and some change :)
  15. Im not surprised I stopped spending when I saw how much they care for theur American servers and European please spread the word of how much BP cares for you!
  16. Thanks to the english team for letting this thread open!
    And thanks to Okapi32 for gathering the facts. The recent posted OA about the "priority shift" didn't made it as clear as you did.

    No wonder i missed the thread on the german forum as it got closed as fast as possible..
    I'm not even angry and/or suprised. Just kind of.. disappointed is the right word i guess.

    Thought the game was in some kind of sleep or stand by.. But obviously it's not.
    -uberpaul- likes this.
  17. About the Pusat:

    "At the moment this item is only available on the Turkish servers. We are reviewing the information gathered from this release and will look at possible rolling it out on others servers once the testing has been completed."

    Biggest load of rubbish I've ever heard.
    Tarron likes this.
  18. testing? when you have to buy
    Tarron likes this.
  19. ramnik

    ramnik User

    They probs will make excuses etc not to release them on other servers lol :p atm its testing, tomoz it will be its too OP to release lmao. not that it is OP :D
  20. Maybe they are testing, after all that (Country) is their BIGGEST market..

    If they are testing and it doesn't work out :oops: is there a refund or do they just take away the ship :eek: without compensate...I bet it is just to give them a 1st step advantage for however long.