You don't matter.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Okapi32, Mar 26, 2015.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    To the best of my knowledge, they're aiming to bring it about for all but it's not something we (as mods) have been given a timeline for when or an idea of exactly how it will come about. All I can offer on it is a "wait and see" at this time I'm afraid. The most recent update we have on this really is this OA. It is still something we still raise from the community though.

  2. I dont know, but maybe we need to make a petition about it.
  3. Hey They Did it...

    AK ak AK Ak.. Pusat Attack..
  4. jackknife

    jackknife User

    and the two finalist for the JP were caught using cheats >>> the finale round