You know what would be nice?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †Puяple†Minion†, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. An update on when ill be able to play dark orbit, Seen as i haven't heard anything, the only information I've been able to find is the standard reply for this rubbish "Oh support know about it and are looking into it".

    I've been trying for 4 hours now, Please don't tell me to clear my cache and blah blah blah, I've done it countless times. 4 Hours I've been trying, The forums don't help much so from what i can understand, this new forum is a waste. Sure it looks fancy and works, but what about forum updates? what about keeping the players updated about when we can play the game? i hope it will be fixed soon or at least a little sorry gift, But lets not get my hopes up, Its never Dark orbits fault when the game breaks.

    So my question to you.

    When can i play Darkorbit?
  2. Hello †Puяple†Minion†

    Support team is trying to find a solution to fix this problem please be patient with it.
    Also most of the updates are posted in this forum and regarding the game issues please make a note of it support will always succeed over forums in terms of information is concerned, so all I would like to say is even we have the same information from support what you guys have and if anything more on this subject is passed to us it will be definitely posted on forums and if you need any more clarification on this subject you can always Contact Support for same.

    Closing as OP was directed to support.
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