"Your ship type" - Outdated

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [-КАТЮША-], Apr 15, 2015.

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  1. With the ability to have multiple hangars of which you will change ship a lot, I believe that the Your Ship type section is outdated. I could switch to a pheonix to click gates in, whilst have 9 other goliaths but I would lose rank points just for switching (I know it's not permenant).

    What use is it now? It just seems redundant to me.
  2. do you wanna be bidding for the ships every single time you feel like flying a vengi aegis or citadel it saves you uri and credits you dont have to rebid on ships or rebuy them thats the perpuse of the hangers
  3. that's not his point, learn to read.

    I see no issue with it, the ship you're currently flying is what rank you get from it, no issues at all.
  4. What the OP is refering to is the rank points. It changes based on what ship you are in when you check the points. Each ship has a different point value. I agree, they should just drop it. Everyone ultimately has multiple hangers with different ships. Why make it a line item on the rank points?
  5. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    Phoenix - 1000
    Goliath - 10000

    these are the additions to rank points with respective to Active ship.
    if u r using goli, then u will have extra 10k rank points for that ship. if u switch the ship then the rank points will be changed according to the Active ship.

    for example your rank points is 1,110,000 with goli. after you change your ship to phoenix. then your new rank point will be 1,101,000 [ you will lose 9k rank points because of changing your ship from goli to phoenix]
  6. Exactly, it's no difference from when we switched between goliaths and vengies in the old days
  7. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    in old days it is not a problem. but to be fare in game, the BP has to made some changes like this. you said you have 9 golis and 1 phoenix. so u must be an UFE player. so the 9k difference in rank point is not a big deal for you. anyway cheer up and keep on playing. good luck with your game.
  8. It's not even my complaining, i have 4 hangers, Goliath, Vengie, Leo, Spear, if anything i switch to my goliath at the end of the day...
  9. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    As this is a discussion regarding a change in the game mechanics, I have moved this thread to a more appropriate section.

    Best regards,
    Samstryker likes this.
  10. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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