"You’re behaving suspiciously, pilot!"

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by KilerStreak, Jun 17, 2024.

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  1. Don't know whether to be offended, or impressed that I triggered the "botting" mechanism.

    These checks in place, yet bots still surpass it?
  2. A couple nights ago I lost internet while playing. When I was able to log back on my ship had been destroyed by a Sibelon. I clicked repair ship and appeared at base and my ship began the repair process but immediately I got this pop-up. I'm behaving suspiciously getting destroyed by a Sibelon and repairing my ship? I get this pop-up constantly whether I'm boxing or shooting aliens. Yet I see tons of obvious botters just going a long for hours. I figured I'm on some kind of watchlist as I do spend a lot of time cloaked and boxing but then why don't the actual botters get it?
  3. Yeah this happens to me alot also, it happens mostly at the most inconvenient times as well, like yesterday i was doing 20 Boss Kristillons and x3 times during this stint, it popped up on me while circling it, and x3 times it nearly destroyed me while faffing around reading the message which don't stay up long, so needing to access the log book to find out which boxes i need. Yet when i was taking advantage of a suspected bot ship farming a Boss Kristillon the other day and getting over a hundred kills from it, as this ship was pummelling it for around 130K salvo, taking like 15secs to destroy one, where it takes me 5mins circling one to destroy, yet it didn't pop up once, make it make sense.

    It seems like a good feature to stop bot users in their antics, but i suspect the really good programs can solve the feature and continue on their way, if this the case then i'd prefer the feature removed as it's an inconvenience rather than a solution

    perhaps they do, i see ships just sitting still in maps surrounded by NPC's damaging them, maybe they too just lost connection but also perhaps the bot program is stuck in place unable to continue, but from what i understand the captcha checking if you're a bot on most sites nowadays can be beaten by good programmers, so perhaps the same is for this feature.

    If it's digital, then it can be hacked
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 17, 2024