Epsilon Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KilerStreak, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. So I have 13 parts left to build the E Gate, and I was wondering two things.
    1.) Can someone give me an estimate/range on how much energy I'll need to finish it?

    2.) How much x2, x3, x4 ammo would be used if you used it on all waves? -Use your experience on the matter, not of what I have.
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    1. Use this thread to help finish the game the fastest ---> https://board-en.darkorbit.com//threads/how-to-fill-up-galaxy-gates-best.5259/

    Probably around 15k uri up to 30k max. But there has been some difficulties getting pieces for galaxy gates, so it could be more.

    2. Have not completed it, so I can't say for sure :) But going on the alien types, I would probably say at least 150k of x3. But then again, I'm not sure.

    SS_HELIOS User

    The amount of spins need can vary greatly. I have gotten my final 11 parts in about 35 spins before and one time it took me over 1k to get my last 3 parts. As far as ammo I hit 8k with no boost in an aegis with x2s and I have had just over 100k and used it all but it was close so 130k would be right at it with those.
  4. Thanks for the link, it's helping a lot, and I'm guessing I'll be able to do this gate fairly fast then, got nearly 60k x3 and 50k x2

    I better start saving up ammo xD

    SS_HELIOS User

    With the combination of the two it would take less because x3s hit harder and with gate spins you get the ammo so use an autobuy chip so you can have x1s still. Remember to activate it in your hangar by clicking use then whatever ammo you want it to automatically buy 10k of(x1s).
  6. Already done :D
    I also plan on putting sep and using x2/x3/x4 on the 3rd set of waves and the rest.

    SS_HELIOS User

    I wouldn't use x4 but if you have or can get moth formation soon that will speed your gate times up by a lot.
    cooljak96 likes this.
  8. Yea, I know, saving up to 100k uri isn't VERY difficult, it's just resisting on using it. I can save up to 50k in just 3 days, but then just "fall apart" and use it on Log disks to get my pilot point xD
    I'll probably just end up buying Uridium on my bday (1 week left! :DDD) and gt Moth formations and LDs from there :D
  9. Hello KilerStreak

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?

    Moving to a more appropriate section for further assistance.

    From: Newbies
    To: General Issues
  10. That is all, thank you all :D
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