How to increase firepower

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by chixonator, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. chixonator

    chixonator User

    How do I increase my firepower ?----
    Process raw materials (Ores).

    Weapon upgrades:

    1. Prometid: One unit will increase the firepower of lasers and rockets by 15% for 10 shots(up to 1000 shots can be improved).2. Duranium: One unit will increase the generator performance of either the propulsion or shield by 10% for 10 minutes.
    3. Promerium: One unit will increase the firepower by 30% or the generator performance by 20%.
    4. Seprom: One unit will increase the firepower by 60% or the generator performance by 40%.You can also buy damage boosters which will increase your damage by 10%.
    You can buy shared boosters on events, which will help even more.

    Ammunition:(Ripped from Laser Battery page.)

    The type of laser rounds you're using influences how much damage your lasers will do.

    Laser BatteriesCost per unit

    (You need 1 unit for each lazer cannon on your ship and in drones.)
    Damage multiplier
    LCB-1010Creditsx1 (weakest)
    (only available from theGalaxy Gate Generator)
    x4 (second strongest, only obtained from
    Galaxy Gates, completion of galaxy gates, bonus boxes, and cubikon graveyard.)
    RSB-755Uridiumx7.5 (the most powerful ammo. After 1 shot/volley it takes 3 seconds to recharge.)
    SAB-501UridiumSpecial: Drains target's shield and recharges the attackers. Does the same damage asx2.'
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 15, 2013
  2. Zecora

    Zecora User

    what is with Booster?^^
  3. Juzme

    Juzme User


    SAAMTIH User

    this, is amazing. the new users need this information, maybe isn't easy at the beginning, so great :)
  5. You should add cbo-100 to the list.
  6. bobmyself

    bobmyself User

    1. The part in yellow doesn't make any sense. You can have as many lasers upgraded with raw materials as you want - there is no cap.

    As for the table,

    2. You missed out several other ways in which UCB-100 can be obtained, such as booty chests, quest rewards, Hitac minion cargo, inviting Friends, voucher codes etc.

    3. RSB-75 multiplies your damage by x6, not by x7.5.

    And if I really wanted to be picky I could argue that UCB-100 is priced at 2.5 uridium per round but it wouldn't be of much help as you are unable to purchase it either way.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  7. Expert_GH

    Expert_GH User

    Bob, promerium is a 30% increase in firepower, according to the upgrades tab on my game screen.
  8. yes, you can also add cbo-100 and that haloween munition , it costs 0,5 uri, increasing 3.5x to NPCs and 2x for players. It's available only on special events, like Halloween ;)
  9. bobmyself

    bobmyself User

    My bad. It's been removed from the previous post. I get mixed up with my ores >.<
  10. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    This need a lot of work, it is currently has many errors and/or missing information.

    The post focusses on lasers, but the title is non specific. There are so many other ways to increase fire power.

    Also all the information is available in the
    Game FAQ section.

    I would suggest anyone wanting information on this subject Click on any /all the relevant links in the
    TheTaser(V) likes this.
  11. chixonator

    chixonator User

    i didnt see anything about firepower in the FAQ section so i posted this from the darkorbit wikia
  12. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

  13. This is a good thread for newbs good job :)
  14. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    How is it a good thread ? the information is incomplete and a copy past of bits of information.

    All the information is available in the Game FAQs Section, with a list of all content in the FAQ INDEX:-

    > Game FAQs
    >> Descriptions/Glossary
    >>> FAQ INDEX
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  15. This is really helpful for some people starting the game also you may want to include the different lasers and upgrades etc if you want to go further in with this and this is really nice and is really helpful to some people starting the game. Well done :)
  16. It is useful for noobs. I know it is incomplete, but what kind of noob needs to know the stuff that isn't on here? This has all the basic knowledge a beginner needs to know.
  17. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    On what level does the information given here equate to " all the basic knowledge a beginner needs to know " ?
    There is only a small amount of information and even that has errors.

    What would be useful for Newbies is a FAQ section which gives all this kind of information.

    Oh wait a minute we already have one.
    :rolleyes: Oh look there is also a sticky at the top of this section for the "DarkOrbit Bible! " ;)

    What is the point in clogging up the Newbies help section with half hearted attempts at information threads for data that is already given in the " FAQ " and " DarkOrbit Bible! " sections of the forum.

    The thread would have been more useful if it just directed Newbies to all the correct threads that give relevant information on " How to increase firepower " along with the route to find the FAQ index as I have done. above
  18. Your point? Who looks at the FAQs?

  19. Ok first off if you would like to have a civilized discussion, then please drop the sarcasm. Also the DO bible is available only for the forum members. What if somebody wanted to know about the game but hasn't played much yet? And what have you done to help the community on the forums? At least Chixonator is trying. Sure there are few things off, sorry Chix, but that doesn't stop a noob from learning a bout the BASIC ammo types.
  20. man your a piece of work lol, this guy is just posting a thread and your trolling people, so i ask you kindly Hope of this thread and troll another