[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Crystal

    Crystal User

    i hope it can be a convoy with built galactic gates like kappa or epsilon
    we destroy aliens and steal constructed gate from them :D

    but i know BP, there will be sooner Xenomit and vouchers to jump :)
  2. All modules are + into the base. Otherwise = FAIL
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Revised text log for training grounds:

    Training grounds is a safe place to improve your battle skills in 1 VS 1 battles while winning fame between the other players. When destroyed, you will not lose Cargo and your drones will not be damaged. After the match you will be returned to your previous map with full HP and Shield.

    Communal battlestations (?) - from the last dev blog and recent main.swf stuff I think a new type of battlestation is coming. For the sake of keeping things in order we will call this one the "Company Battlestation" linked with the Domanation event for now.

    You've received %AMOUNT% Credits from the %MODULE% (Level %LEVEL%) Module at the %STATION% Battle Station.

    You've received %AMOUNT% Credits from the %STATION% Battle Station.

    That's it for today.

    <item name='targeted_hintwindow_title_traininggrounds'><![CDATA[Training Grounds Arena]]></item>        
    <item name='targeted_hintwindow_message_traininggrounds'><![CDATA[Training grounds is a safe place to improve your battle skills in 1 VS 1 battles while winning fame between the other players. When destroyed, you will not lose Cargo and your drones will not be damaged. After the match you will be returned to your previous map with full HP and Shield.]]></item>        
    <item name='msg_station_satellite_destruction_reward_credits'><![CDATA[You've received %AMOUNT% Credits from the %MODULE% (Level %LEVEL%) Module at the %STATION% Battle Station.]]></item>        
    <item name='msg_station_hub_destruction_reward_credits'><![CDATA[You've received %AMOUNT% Credits from the %STATION% Battle Station.]]></item>        
    <item name='label_domination_status'><![CDATA[Domination status]]></item>
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
  4. Cant stand waiting to see what kind of thing is that. :eek:
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It is just my interpretation of it, it could be something completely different.
  6. Crystal

    Crystal User

    BP still don't want change price for repair modules to station..it's too expensive and players will don't want to use modules during domination event

    we have a lot of Vouchers for repair but we cant use it.....i have about 4000...

    Battlestations are empty and i think it should be good for game if we would use vouchers for repairing modules

    sorry for my eng...
  7. i dont think it's a new CBS but a new kind of module. like an honor-module or EXP-module, a credit-module
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    If there were any new modules they would have appeared in test files by now since the event is coming out very soon.
  9. maybe the modules are not meant to appear during the event =/
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No, its pretty obvious that the CBS text logs I posted are related to the domination event.
    Quote from the recent developers blog:

    And if you have some Clan Battle Station modules in your inventory, be sure, you’ll make a very good use of them during the Domination event.

    Builders Guild achievment description:

    Install a module in a Clan Battlestation found on either map 4-1, 4-2, or 4-3 (only possible during a Domination Event!)

    Battlestations are obviously going to play a role in the domination event where you are tasked to take over the bmps on your server for your company, there is no indication at all that new modules are coming out.

    Credit rewards does not mean they will be credit equipment. I expect DO thinks that these domination battle stations will be destroyed a lot so does not want to allow players to have lots of uridium from destroying them, how kind.
  11. Crystal

    Crystal User

    If BP doesn't change prize for repair modules there will be no battle stations during event

    and i dont know why BP wants another event?

    TDM is totally empty, Sector control the same....Invasion....horrible...players dont want to participate on these events...and the domination will be the same
    Silviu likes this.


    oh please quit your whining and wait until the event started at least. Modules can be gotten for a couple million credits and if you have had the uridium to upgrade your modules then I'm sure you have some to rep them too.

    Events are entertaining. That's why BP wants another event.

    TDM & Sector control were not empty at all during the infuence event. New events are always very popular because people are curious to see what it is about. That's how it is on US east 1 at least. If you play some server like czech republic 3 or germany 7, then there is no real reason to be surprised when finding lack of people joining in on events.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    <item name='msg_loot_demaner-box_init'><![CDATA[Collecting Domination Freighter Cargo.]]></item>
    Only new thing today is the text entry for collecting the new booty box. The more interesting thing is that there is still no entry for any key to match this box.

    This could mean a couple thing, good scenario would be that they aren't locked and it will be like the hitec cargo, first one to click it gets it.
    The other scenario would be that you have to buy regular keys to open the new booty box which is dropped by the new NPC that will most likely need you to buy the new ammo for if you want to solo kill it or in a small group.
  14. Crystal

    Crystal User

    STILLWRONG yes, i play on europe servers

    but 3-4 years ago a lot of people was on TDM and another evets, but now nobody, its because of boters, now we have here in top 500 players on server....450 of them was boters....

    me and maybe 5% of players in top 500 have clear account without boting, former boters now dominate in the game and real players are weak and new players dont want come to game....

    real players cant fight against former boters, they have full accounts for free a we have what??? we can only pay....
    i play this game for 5 years so i can resist...But are not many players like me

    and that the reason why maps are empty, why events are empty....boters destroyed the game

    maybe in US its different but this is reality in many Europe servers

    and yes i have U for rep.. them, i have about 80 modules...but i said ..the problem in our servers, poeple here dont use battle stations and some new event cant change it
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2014


    I'm really glad you're telling me something new and something really topic related.... Bots vanished a year ago most of them got punished. It's eassy to get uber elite, darkorbit hasn't had an important update that would make your ship stronger in for ever. Quit crying finally and wait for the event to happen before making assumptions.
  16. Jurjstyle

    Jurjstyle User

    Off topic : Easy to get uber elite ? You talk like you did it in 1 month . Why do you not teach us ?

    On topic :
    The event will be only for the ,,big" ones so it will be empty like the others . Bp should made something interesting like new maps with aliens ( with better rewards ) , take off the bonus boxes reduction ( after some hours ) etc .
  17. Crystal

    Crystal User

    most of them got punished? :D

    really? maybe 30% of them....the rest of them are still in the game

    Jurjstyle yes i agree, i hope it will be for all players...but its looks like only for elite

    hmmm we will see this weekend
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.


    a month? no of course not... been playing this game since september 08 and if you still don't know how to improve your account here are some basic hints.
    Be active.
    While you play don't waste time in chat but keep shooting or collecting stuff.
    Be stubborn.
    Plan what you want to achieve next.

    Now back to the topic please...
    -AdamantiumDragon- and Silviu like this.
  19. On topic :Well befor we all start crying lets see what they have for us
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  20. i think we soon know what this domination-event is all about cause the test-servers will be open soon
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