[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. ....why the heck is a Scatter 3 like 250k uri...while the new shields are like 7-10k? The scatter laser is at most worth maybe 25k. I have no idea what they were thinking. I really hope they reduce the price of that because that is just completely dumb.
    zxspectrum2009 likes this.
  2. IMO it is dependent on the stats of the bonus scatter laser damage. Wont this bonus damage be able to miss? If this question is answered with yes, the Scatter laser will be a huge competitor of LF4. (Especially if the devs have some plans for nerfing LF4 cause of Scatter).
  3. Uh it's only 2x damage every 5 secs which means it's only 20% of the time. Then add to that, that it's only 150 base and the LF4 is still more DPS. Also if you miss your 5 sec shot (Pretty sure it's just like a normal laser so you have the same hit %) that drastically reduces the overall DPS of the laser. Even if these were 200 damage a shot and 200 extra every 5 secs, that does not equal these things costing like 250-350k or whatever EACH. You can on average probably find 4-5 LF4s with the cost of a single one of these scatter laser 3. Even with the 30% rebate the cost of a single scatter laser 3 is something like 200k in parts and like 150k in gates or more. Yet an LF4 cost on average what? like 75k maybe 100k.

    Bit of a rant but it's just annoying because the cost of these are ridiculous, to get 45 of these we're talking like 18mil uri. Almost the total cost of getting full UFE.
    zxspectrum2009 likes this.
  4. But if this bonus damage can't miss, because the FaQ only talking about
    "The Laser Bonus is affected by all bonuses and multipliers that usually apply.", nothing about miss. So you can calculate the DPS with miss chances for Scatter and LF4, than adding the 150/5 bonus DPS without miss, but with Seprom, Booster, Bio etc.
  5. That still doesn't matter. The LF4 are still 25% stronger per hit minus that charge hit which means the overall DPS will still be higher. Even if these Scatter Lasers were stronger, the 400k it takes to make ONE of them is beyond crazy. Nobody is going to spend $2,000 getting these lasers when LF4s are still better and far far cheaper. Even if these lasers were 50k, they would still be too expensive, pretty sure everyone would just use LF3s and get LF4s over time.

    I was thinking that these lasers were going to be the middle ground between LF3s and LF4s and were going to cost like 25k (Which is all they are worth, maybe 30k) sucks that they are going to get next to no use. The shields on the other hand are great, only 7-10k (why are these so cheap?? they are really good yet the laser is super expensive, makes no sense).
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  6. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    You'd be surprised how much money people spend, anyway, verry good thinking of bigpoint to do it this way, now most people will have used all their gates last weekend, and will be empty now, forcing them to buy more uridium lol.

    Back to the laser itself: I do think that the Scatterlaser can make a big difference, especially for snipering / finishing of weaker targets. Sometimes that extra damage is just all you need before someone can even react by EMP / ISH. Moreover, what if they release the Scattergun-IV....

    However we do have to be aware of the fact that we can time the 5 second hit, and use ISH / EMP just before the big hit, making the overall weapon much weaker.

    So in general I wouldn't say it's better than normal lf4, but I wouldn't underestimate it either... Especially with short diminisher cooldown and against new players.
  7. relax

    relax User

    It's not better and I don't think there will appear something better than lf4s at least for a while, because(if I am not wrong, which I hope I'm not) they literally said that they don't want to increase the actual power of the ships... just "customize" it.
    And why would you play with lasers that have less range than lf4... you can get kited very easily in a ship of the same type as yours.
  8. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Well.. I suppose the range is a factor indeed...
  9. So scatter Laser is only good against small aliens which you kill in less than 7 sec? This expensive laser is very crappy for farming=>Ufe event.

    Bad news: they decreased the drop rate for scrap from around 100% to....1?....good luck.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
    -Corex- likes this.
  10. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    I did the new quests of killing a bunch of saimons and no scrap dropped at all, so yep, RIP 100% Scrap Droprate
  11. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  12. "Pay to Win"
    indeed! I am SO tied of being constantly squeezed for my hard earned cash. It's getting completely out of hand. Pay to Play is fine but this is extortive. I could have bought several PS 4's and a whole bunch of games for the money I've spent so far on Dark Orbit. And yet they still want more, always more...
    Well; I'm committed now, so this is, Der Totale Krieg.
    >>odi et amo<<
    BestGArenEUW and OILDAILY like this.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Another new laser: Spectral Lancer I / II / III

    The Spectral Lancer I was designed to slice through alien ships, cutting deep into their shields and hulls to cause 125 damage. Be warned! This laser is less effective against human ships and only does 80 damage when tackling them. Go, do some surgery!

    More powerful and devastating, Spectral Lancer II brings a new meaning to the term puncture wound. Alien ships suffer 145 damage when the weapon is brought to bear but, once again, this laser is weaker against human ships, causing 90 damage. Get one before they sell out!

    Not so much a laser lance as a brutal punch, the Spectral Lancer III is the pinnacle of the series. It smashes 175 damage into any alien ships, whilst still doing a respectable 130 against humans. Go for the knock-out!

    The Spectral Lancer III is available in crafting - not sure if it's going to be exclusive there.

    There are also a bunch of 1 hour booster blueprints.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
    xuhu99, -Corex- and BestGArenEUW like this.
  14. oTiKio

    oTiKio User

    pls stop putting this worthless lasers its annoying and painful the scatter laser III for me was a laser that will give fe players hope that 2-3 fe players can def them self from a ufe bully since a ufe now can freely solo 10 fe like a bad joke ...but no that hope was crush they make them cost 200-300k uri lower there range for 25% makes them literally useless when you can get a lf4 for around 100-150k ech or less if you spam hades gate you can make them even cheaper ..... Edit: (This laser was supposed to bring the balance between the ufe and fe this laser need to cost 10k uri ech in shop and to make the range same as lf4 600 since 450 ppl will just kite you makes your ship useless for pvp and this game is all about pvp) rip darkorbit reason suicide
  15. Finally a NPC farmer LF3,5 hybrid. For this laser I would work more than...for scatter.
  16. Let us hope that they put it on the shop at a reasonable price, us UFE have no need for them. So this is the perfect opportunity for lower level players to benefit
  17. Is this something you made up or is that info from the test server? Just curious where you're getting this. If this is real inb4 they cost 500k just like the Scatter Laser, even though they are so clearly weaker in every way (than the LF4s, which cost max of like 100k, if you are unlucky).
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    If I just started making stuff up then I wouldn't keep much of a reputation for very long. This does indeed come from a test server file, however like everything posted here, it could change.

    As for the price, it remains to be seen. Although as you and others have pointed out, after the scatter was introduced I doubt anyone has very high hopes for it being reasonable.
    BestGArenEUW and -Corex- like this.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Few things, putting them in spoilers to avoid a huge post, but there's nothing particularly secretive or revealing.

    New tiered spending reward:

    Today only! With each and every Uridium purchase you’ll receive special crafting materials.

    Here’s what you get with each Uridium Package:

      • 15,000 Uridium - 250 Scrap
      • 30,000 Uridium - 500 Scrap
      • 75,000 Uridium - 500 Scrap + 5 Schism Crystals
      • 150,000 Uridium - 700 Scrap + 10 Schism Crystals + 1 Micro Transistor
      • 330,000 Uridium - 1000 Scrap + 40 Schism Crystals + 6 Micro Transistor
    You can only get the Uridium offers between now and Monday 23:59h Local Server Time. Don’t miss out!

    New booty box packages / event:

    You love finding Booty Boxes! So we’ve permanently increased the number across all maps by up to 1000%.

    That means ten times the booty and ample opportunities to get more illustrious loot.

    What about the keys? Well, we’re also adding bumper packs of keys with massive reductions of 75 to 80% against the regular basic package.
    • Green booty keys now available in packs of 1,320 and 5,000 keys
    • Red booty keys are made available in chunks of 300 and 1,000 keys
    • Blue booty keys will be offered with 200 and 660 keys per package
    • M.A.S.Q.U.E. keys can be purchased in packs of 1,320 and 5,000 keys

    Hardware packages:

    Assembly manufacture is where it’s at! As more recipes are added, collecting resources has become the new recreation of all the finest pilots. To honor this desire we’ve added some valuable new Hardware packs to the payment section.

    In addition to the existing “Component” and the “Starter Hardware” package, we now offer:

    The “Expert Engineer” Pack

    • High-Frequency Cable x7
    • Nano Case x4
    • Prismatic Socket x4
    • Nano Condenser x4
    • Hybrid Processor x3
    • Micro-transistors x3
    The “Exceptional Engineering” Pack
    • High-Frequency Cable x30
    • Nano Case x15
    • Prismatic Socket x15
    • Nano Condenser x15
    • Hybrid Processor x15
    • Micro-transistors x15

    There is also a breaking news entry for the Halloween 2016 event but no description for now.
  20. Those lasers will be awesome. I am FE, I start running most of the times when I spot an UFE hunter so for me and other FE player it doesn't really matters how much dmg you deal in pvp because you can't out damage an UFE at that point thus making these lasers superior for FE players. All this means EASY LIFE.
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