[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. i wonder if this is the bug where people are putting 400k rank points on in a day seeing you get about 5k for doing a gate that costs real money i dont see how dark orbit can be so obtuse about bugs and glitches shows the comtempt for the players i assume if it isnt then i still cant see how playing legit you can put that much on in a day so i quit bye
  2. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ User

    is there a way of getting a list of what system u use to catch botters . uve mad a crack down on it nicely but there could be better programs in order to catch a botter
  3. Trublm8kr

    Trublm8kr User

    OK people time to make a stand against the cheaters and hackers.
    BP is obviously not going to do anything about it and here we are with more bots and more cheating going on than ever before.
    I have knowledge of over 5 servers worth of clans who are ready to leave the game if something is not done.
    We are all sick and tired of BP looking the other way while they spend our hard earned money and give us a game we cant even play due to their lack of action against these cheaters.
    This is it, either they fix it so the cheaters are held accountable and are banned or we all walk out and no more money goes to BP.
    Enough is Enough people. Send in your tickets to support and demand something be done or continue throwing your money down the toilet.
    It is time to make a stand !!!!!
  4. it wont change anything


    nuff said
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  5. i didn't believe cheats got banned so compiled my own experiment a while ago. i even mailed support before hand saying i didn't believe cheats get banned and will make an acct to bot on and see if i can prove them wrong and when they didn't reply and tell me i couldn't or shouldn't i went ahead and tested my theory. a free acct vs a paid on acct. my verdict .. only free played cheated on accts get banned, where as paid on accts do not. free acct of same bot banned within 2 months. paid on acct played for over twice that time never caught, staged or banned. for the record, the acct left standing got left to rot. it was an experiment only and not my main server. come to your own conclusions. i know i did. now i believe nothing this company say anymore, regardless of what their banning figures state.
  6. Has somebody already tested this or is it only an experience?


    cheats did get banned a load of my m8 got banned but good they were proper crookies ^^
  8. as i said in mt reply on this thread, i did MY OWN experiment. this also wasn't from an " experience " due to me being a cheat either, because i am not. i just didn't believe the repeated " our scripts work 100% " mails i kept getting. i decided to see what happened myself with 2 accounts, 1 a free playing, and 1 a paid on to play account. i think its odd that the free account got banned, and the paid on account didn't. i got fed up waiting to see if anything was going to happen on the paid on account as i am not a cheat. i prefer honest play. i appreciate my account more and have the satisfaction knowing i did all the work myself. and its more fun knowing , that being honest with no extra add-on help, that even though im not the best PvPer, i can still take down " the best hunters " on my server who themselves are quite obvioulsy using something extra.

    i wasnt saying people didnt get banned .. i was just posting to say i did my own test / experiment. i cannot comment on anything other than my own findings.
  9. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    I'm not sure how admitting to cheating legitimizes anything, but to each their own I suppose.

    Point blank, we nor support can give you a list or any account to reference ("proof" etc beyond the numbered announcements) as to who got caught+banned, and within that the breakdown of who spent or didn't.

    At the end of the day people will either believe that there is no other factor than cheat=banned, or they won't. DO needs to continue their efforts in detecting & catching those who decide to cheat. I do not know anyone disavowing that. Maybe everyone isn't caught today, but we've been down that road before and when the detection caught up to those who hadn't been before - well, the happier campers were the legitimate players in any case ^_^
  10. There WAS a factor many years ago. They said that they were afraid of banning paying players in an interview, but then they decided to make the game fairer. I think that they continue with this.

    So the "best hunters" won't use their illegal stuff correct :p
  11. all these players getting banned on which server?

    USA east 1 has to many auto lockers & Lag Bombers.
    ever since pilot bio was brought to the game cheating has got way worst.

    Come take a look on Usa East 1
  12. Hello Sir/Mam can you run your script in battle maps and detect third party software they are using in Global America 4 I hate this clan on top using this unfair application software.. Please do something I'm back to play this game and paid premium due to announcements that the game has done major changes and penalize the use of 3rd party software. Sir again, I'm shot by an enemy in bmaps he used surgeon while I,m tartarus with fast 621 full speed and in cloak mode but again he was able to lock me even I used emp. Please and please run your script in global america 4 specially bmaps for 3rd application. Please do your job efficiently just like what you advertise that you clean and do major changes and strictly penalize the use of 3rd party software. I bought premium and and doubler because of that promise that we can play fair.
    Do I need to mention the clan?
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
  13. admins plz appoint one or two mods per server and let them check every map daily and if u do there is no need to run script just mods should use normal ships like us so cheaters will think that its normal players and use cheats in front of them so u can easily ban them. coz running script won't stop them and as all know there is always bug in New script.
  14. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello «††D¤O¤O¤M††»1,

    Bots and any Third-party script will be detected by the scripts run by support, and from there any users who were detected shall receive the appropriate punishment. There are very firm instructions that those users must be left to be detected by the scripts, a process which is fair for everybody. We Moderators/Admins assist the players in forums and within chat, the in-game element is left to Support and the Developers. There is no way around it, they will get caught it's just a matter of time. It's an exhausted subject but we do post when there is a ban wave.
  15. There is not enough mods to do that, and even if there was they dont get payed, so for them to be on 24/7 there would have to be some sort of income...
  16. so honour and 'the right thing to do' have now come to payment?.. CMs are not a direct part of the 'trawl' for 'Third Party script'... lets get real.. CHEATS have no interest in the game of DarkOrbit... they will swindle us all as they have no interest other than theirselves...
  17. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    It has nothing to do with "the right thing to do" as far as whether or not Mods go in game and decide who's cheating or who doesn't.
    There is not enough of us to go around, period, to do what would need to be done monitoring every server, every hour, every day, every instance.
    & Yes, we have jobs & lives - bills & things require money. We can't just quit everything else in life to try figuring out who is cheating - and then honestly, spend even more time dealing with the outcome (people get mad if we warn them for caps, I have no illusions that saying they cheated & permabanning would go over any better:rolleyes:)

    Unfortunately there are people who can't, or won't play the game fairly. The important thing there is that the detection system continually be improved and worked upon to catch them, and then that it has the chance to do so. But that takes time, and sometimes more patience than we may wish to extend.



    so these scripts dont work same old same people still using them on gb1 server and been using scripts since say one
    .COOKIE-MONSTER. likes this.
  19. Wow sounds just like i did before i learned than many times it seems impossible what some players can do , but being playing now for over 4 years i see and hear many times how do they do that or that's impossible but for real some of the times we can credit it to lag and a lot of the times we can credit it to inexperience on our own part there is much to learn about this game even after 4 years still learning things that i didn't know. Saying that i am sure there are still cheaters out there in some way but also from experience there are some players will skill unlike most. I have seen players that i thought were cheating ban permanently so the detection system does work to a degree. Enjoy

    So i am looking for instance this one is easy to explain if you have 50 % honor and xp booster and b-01 and b-02 booster plus your in a clan with 5 bases with xp and honor boosters that's another 50% so that's 50+50+20=120% xp and honor booster also on double rewards day is another 100% xp and honor so 400k rank say over a double rewards weekend is totally possible maybe even more depending on the gates that player chooses. Enjoy
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 6, 2016
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