[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. I thought boosters capped at 110%
  2. No they cap at 120%
  3. Ah, I haven't played in quite sometime so my bad XD
  4. test020

    test020 User

    you forgot to mention there is also no way of humanly telling one from the other aside autolocks...

    the system does its job because cheaters are dumb enough to not even know how to cheat propely. it's like natural selection really.

    also you know why cheaters increased lately, and the more bp devs keep doing that, the more cheaters the game will have, it's sad but it's the truth.

    remember that hades can have booster shared between the aegises... even uber farm also do it. or kristallon/cubi farm case people want to quickly farm points...

    more than once account *in multiple servers*
    and that's why server fusion is impossible...
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  5. Dear players,
    Over the last week ive been losing rank at a alarming rate i couldnt figure how until i went in 2-2 and 2-8 ships with no one controlling them farming npcs again and others in cloak boxing for 9 hours constant ,,,,yes boys and girl they are back after bigpoint solved the problem .
    Last time bots nearly shut darkorbit as decent players who worked hard saw these players getting upgrades,uri and exp in a alarming way as no human can play 48 hours a time i have tried the screen goes blurry and you cannot concentrate.
    so my question is how many other players are also seeing this issue reappear within the game and only in the last week or so as its increasing to the point of not being able to pick up a box in certain maps due to cloaked botters again or just kiling npcs in 2-8 or 2-2 while not at keyboard
    bigpoint you did well to catch all those last time please restore my faith and do it again :)
    ΞMPЯΞSS likes this.


    looks like it my friend did some research on utube have a look and dev team you lot too.time to do a darkorbit refresh.where we have to download the game a bit so we can get shut of these crookes
  7. killing npcs in 2-2 dose nothing for rank and they prob was never fixed bigpoint can only slow them down
  8. I've seen a lot of people botting in x2 and x8 maps and its pretty annoying when they swipe all the boxes before you can get to them. I had a guy boasting on ts about macro-ing and honestly idk how he gets away with it. Wouldn't you think a repetitive sequence of mouse movements/clicks would set off some sort of flag? Maybe DO is more focused on people who are running scripts and stuff like that. I just hope the game gets cleaned up, its already pretty unbalanced, and all these cheaters definitely arent making things better. I've had my account since 2009 and have been slowly building it up and getting stronger, and honestly it just sucks when you see these brand new accounts somehow (we all know how) achieve ufe status in no time at all. The only positive about bots is they're easy pops.
  9. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Taking out bot users (easy pops) as a negative effect on the detection system as this removes the bot user from the radar and the system cannot detect a dead bot user. The best thing to do if you see a suspect player is to leave them to carry on and let the system detect them and perma ban them.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  10. OK just want to ask how are they getting rank at an alarming rate while their boxing?
  11. its called honor boosters and everyone smashing hadez on x2 gate days lool
  12. V3nomR0

    V3nomR0 User

    One question I would like to ask: Can we report players that are using the autolock feature. I am trying sometimes to go in 4-3 to box for an hour when I got time, but there are a couple of people that I see everyday on the PvP maps that use that cheat. It is imposible to lock onto a cloaked target in the second you see it.
  13. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    To answer your question @V3nomR0 , yes you *can* report players to support. However, support has no control over this and when it comes to illegal programs they must leave it to the detection system to detect such players.

    On another note, it's not impossible to lock a cloaker at, or close to, the first possible chance. Some people are incredibly good with locks, and some people get lucky.
    & Once upon a time there was an entire tactic of keeping ports clear to do just that ;)

  14. hi, ask you here to see what I sent to support and what response I received:
    I am DarkOrbit player, ..........., the server Scandinavia, and we have the following
    -at least 6 players from clan ranked 2 ............ proving that still do evils
    .They have program damage.
    Please take precautions because the whole server know they are protected by
    someone driving DarkOrbit.
    clean all servers of adminclans
    clean all but-damage-users
    save this game, remove the corrupt that influence game
    if you do not take urgent measures will destroy this beautiful game
    If necessary organize demonstration outputs on the map with all clans honest.
    I used to support English, known for honesty, hoping to solve these problems
    dark after 6 years I got to thinking seriously to quit the game because of these
    thank you and best regards!
    and I received the following response from the support in Romania:
    what do you think?
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 14, 2017
  15. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello cezar2fast2,

    As stated in page 7 post 139 of this thread;
    We are proud to say with assurance that the members of the EN Moderator Team are trusted individuals by Support and the pilots of the Orbit to Moderate their Chats/Forums.

    Should you find a member of the Team of being dishonest or have a problem with one you should Contact Support. For now, we ask that you please continue the matter through your Support Team.
  16. bots are back , lower maps are full of them, mostly npc bots
  17. Yeah the amount of Bots rises fast... I Hope Bp is aware of this
  18. is there enything that we(players who notice botters) can do to make BP aware of that problem. because its not allowed to accuse them, not allowed to talk about em at chat or even post hoest posts at forum.
  19. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    DO/BP is already well aware of the issue
    OILDAILY likes this.
  20. 19 banned users? Is this a joke? 19? Is that it? Get on the ball DO you're letting too many cheaters once again avoid your detection system and it's laughable from a player's perspective. Simply put, what you are doing is NOT enough.
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