[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. That is not even 1 per server and you know most of them were just one account on several servers. I saw that post and though what a waste of energy, most active players can name 19 players on their server who are using some kind of cheat to get ahead whether it is "God script" (player takes no damage), Auto lockers, Macro runners collecting B B's, with the numbers we know are cheating there has to be something wrong with the script searching for these accounts. Should have been 450 of better not 19, yet the December wave was only 70 so it was not much better but it did equate to at least 1 player per server.
  2. Tovarich

    Tovarich User

    And this is the reason that BP made this announcement

    "Another 19 accounts have been removed for illegal program use."

    19 accounts? is it serious?:eek: is this the best that your "antibot system" can do? :oops:

    19 accounts of all servers in the game.... please Solid Eye we arent little childs :rolleyes:

    Last 9th December you said that 70 account were banned :mad:

    After 55 days the system has catched 19 accounts :oops:... sure a five years old boy will make better .

    19 accounts....:D
  3. 1191, 829, 709, 388, 1243, 517, 527, 254, 70...ehh...19? It makes sense, the more bots are detected, the less can be detected later. But 19 is an unbelievable low number.
    Either even the bots leave the game (bots can't handle the laggs and bugs?),
    or the bots updated their scripts and they can't be detected anymore.

    Or we are going toward 0 bots. Hurray.....
  4. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    I didn't say the detection system was perfect in catching everyone at the moment, I said DO were aware of the rising issue.

    But yes, 19 accounts were what we were notified of today, and that's what was posted.

    It takes time to actually detect every thing, and they need to ensure that it's detecting correctly before we see any ban waves needing lifted again because of false positives.

    So I'll say it again: DO are aware.

    They're working on it, and it's not going to be all roses over night.
  5. #7 on my server with Chief Colonel was caught botting BKs after bonus boxes were nerfed.

    Good job Darkorbit, now that bonus box botting is worthless we can now actually detect anyone who is dumb enough to alien bot. Finally.
  6. He he i can log in at game, go to spefic map and detect 4 botters at the same time , i mean npc botters .
  7. AVIT

    AVIT User

    why dont yu just name the bot users? we know who they are dont you?
  8. I agree name the botters and published here in forums what server they belong so that we know what you are caught...or you only caught new botters.
  9. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    We aren't told who, and the "name them" drum has been beaten time and again over the years. I wouldn't imagine that numbers to names is changing anytime soon given the importance & stress of respecting every one's privacy, and that hasn't gotten any less over the years.
  10. Hmm what if our User IDs are also displayed at along with our name? Would that be of help or will have risks?
  11. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    It's still potentially identifying - in the worst case scenario, if the naughty list was published & for whatever reason was found to be faulty and needed to be rescinded, that could be it's own can of worms :/
  12. Who cares about the names or id's? Those that post about the "bots" seem to know the names.

    Yes 19 seems a low number, BUTT, it is 18 better than 1...........

    By punishing the "bots" by nerfing the bonus boxes also punishes us who do not cheat.

    I live on a fixed income and can not afford to pay to play this FREE game and therefore depend on boxes for growth.

    DO is painting everyone with the same brush. good and bad.

    All though it doesn't really seem to matter about boxes as it would appear that even the nerfed boxes are going to disappear, according to the latest email survey from DO.

    Population in this game is dwindling on a daily (hourly) basis.

    Plse FIX IT without punishing everyone, good and bad...................
  13. Don't pay. I play this account for free and enjoy it. The box nerfs were to deter the bots who will just go for hours on end even if they are getting the minimum amounts. I actually hate to box so will only pick up what I see in regular maps while I play. 19 accounts could have either just started up and they picked them up because they originated from the same area/network or they were using some old botting software, you know because they were umm nevermind, lol. Maybe somebody was trying to get my coveted nostro design and made up friends. At any rate, l agree 19 is better than 1.
  14. *Rob9614*

    *Rob9614* User

    Why dont you go round maps looking at players, i can go look in 1-2 and theres ufe ships circling streuners but apparently they must be legit if they havent been banned...
  15. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Maybe you should re-read the post, because again I never said everyone is being caught right now.
  16. *Rob9614*

    *Rob9614* User

    Maybe you should put forward my suggestion about mods actually going on maps to see? even if there was only 5 players per server caught its better than non, and lets be serious you can tell when theyre cheating
  17. Help me understand a NPC Bot. Just because a person wants to GRIND a particular NPC does that make them a BOT? UFE killing Streuner could be doing a quest as there are 3 Daily's that require these to be killed otherwise there is nothing to gain from killing them (costs more to kill than gained). BK's and Cubikons are always being FARMED for the Uridium value of them. Just because you are attacking these for hours does it make you a BOT(?) or someone with lots of ammo that wants to get more whatever from the game? There are a lot more BOTS to be dealt with than the system is finding. Auto-Lockers, for instance, get a lock on you and are not even on the main screen but able to attack you before you even know that you are in a PvP attack. The GOD Hack allowing a person to take everything you throw at them without taking any damage, many videos of this submitted but same people constantly in game killing without being killed. AFK players not losing connection yet I keep losing it just typing in chat having a conversation with other players, heck I even lose it when trying to do anything on back page while still in client. Are they not using some type of BOT?


    so wot does big boint need to do to stop all these scripts/cheats ? because this game is getting to be a joke now.started playing in september 2009.and to me its going down hill then up hill.regards gb1 server
  19. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Everyone,

    It would be helpful to the purpose of the thread if everyone reads the previous posts as Vital information may have been posted to prevent the re-current posts. Please remember us Moderators are players to, however as stated in page #7 We Moderators/Admins assist the players in forums and within chat, the in-game element is left to Support and the Developers. There is no way around it, they will get caught it's just a matter of time.

    Please remember even though the topic of this thread is to discuss the concerns you have on these issues, all Forums Rules still apply.

    Take Care.
  20. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    as Deter suggested above, many of these things have already been discussed over and over and over again in this thread.
    So Rob, to answer your question, an earlier post:
    It's not going to change that accusations aren't allowed in forums or chat, it's not going to change that we still report to the dev team that "hey, this is a problem", it's not going to change that the detection system needs improved upon so that they have the evidence they need to ban someone for cheating.
    Anyway; HMHY, to try answering your question a little - some scripts do different things. I won't claim expertise in what their functions are for any given bot, but I would have to imagine disconnects are something at least some may accommodate for. Over the years you hear people go on about how you can pop someone and "they just keep coming back, no hp" etc - I would guess that configuring it to handle a disconnect is not terribly off track to how it would handle respawning someone after being destroyed.

    In any case, it's more than just "bots" that DO have to contend with which is something DO & we have made an effort to get across. There's illegal programs in general, and no one desiring fair play across the board is welcoming them
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